23 октомври, 2007

A Gateway for Transformation .:. message from God

A Gateway for Transformation

a message from God channeled by Yael and Doug Powell
Sunday, 16 September, 2007 (posted 22 October, 2007)
A Gateway for Transformation From the Ego-Mind to the Center of the Atoms The Holographic Cosmos That We Are

As your heart becomes the instrument upon which this symphony of life is playing, you will be awed by the great beauty, uplifted by the experience of the inspiration that is the shared breath of this one living whole. As each precious part of this one great Love sings to you its purity, its purpose and its Love and plays its song in exquisite beauty upon the instrument of your heart, you become a Real participant in this great song of life for you are fully facing into the sun and claiming its light as your own. When you are no longer facing away into the illusory world of the shadow dance, then every part of this glorious hologram is in instant communication with your heart.
Each precious piece of this one great and glorious life will sing to you its perfect resonance that you may deeply understand it, and in this understanding born of the feelings of heart perception, you will find the key to grace. It is the experience of taking within yourself the truth of every life. For each life has such a perfect part to play in the great kaleidoscopic dance of the whole that the honor you will feel in experiencing each part will give you access to the harmony of the whole.
In other words, I Am found in everything in equal measure, whether it be a microscopic drop of sunlight or a universe of wheeling star fields of great patterns of light intersecting in the great cosmic dance. The Love you will feel is equal in everything you encounter because each one contains the All, the whole of the Love I Am.
To this end I ask you, beloved ones, to take into your heart the truth of transformation and recognize that it is simply honoring each precious and integral part of the great being that you are. Recognize also through the experience of heart communion that every electron of light that participates in the universe that is you is a fully functioning heart of God, present in the Now.
Therefore, I give you the key to the transformation of life on Earth. It is the recognition of the fullness and perfection of each element that goes into creating this life and becoming aware and able to move easily beyond the illusion of the dance of separation into the communion of unity and oneness that is experienced through your heart, until you are not ever fooled again into living in a world of judgment, based on the illusory lives of separation born of the dream of the ego mind.
As you come to take on the mantle of Christ which is the truth of your own heart, dearest ones, then all you will feel is the most tender Love and all you will experience is the sweet reverence for each precious expression of this one life, no matter how it appears to be expressing in the illusion of separation and duality. You will reach instead into the communion of the heart where each electron, every atom speaks to you of the oneness, of the great movement of this dance of Love regardless of what the projector of the mind lays on top of it pretending the illusion is real.
This attunement will take practice because you have been living such a limited life, being attuned to such a minute piece of the whole spectrum of what is before you to experience and feel. As you make your heart commitment, beloved ones, to live in this deeper communion, then you will begin to experience what I mean when I use the word "transformation," because the world that your heart perceives is a world of exquisite grace and beauty and wonders of precision in the movement of this dance of never-ending and giving Love.
As you feel it and wake to heart perception, you will discover your own cosmos, your Twin Flame heart and how the great universe of your own being, beloved ones, is in complete communication with you. This communication is the heart's perception that brings relationship to the universe that you are while you are, as a Twin Flame heart, the center of your own hologram of Love.
Therefore, the truth of your own God being as the heart of God you are is fully present in every atom and electron that makes up the universe that you are. From the moment that you deeply understand this as experience, beloved ones, and not ideas - then you will feel the truth that this communion is the essence of your transformation into living only Love.
As you recognize consciously the very atoms and electrons of your being, they will recognize you and they will respond, beloved ones, exuberantly in creating this universe as perfect Love, and thus, the expression of this Love coming forth as symbols, symbols of the bridge world of Heaven on Earth. Every atom and electron contains the living whole, the whole of Love I Am expressed as you, and because each atom and electron is living in full remembrance, they can show this truth to you. Therefore they can allow it to flow forth in the living Now Moment to explode into the fullness of the expression of God that is the hologram of Love that is you. If you will allow this full expression, allow it to completely dissipate your old world view and allow it to replace it with the living song of your being, your own universe, your own hologram of living Love that is you - then you will find you are expressing the perfection that you are in every aspect of your being, including your service here on Earth.
Beloved God, we open our hearts to You tonight, asking to allow us to be the open and clear conduit through which Your Love comes pouring to this beautiful world. God, please join our hearts together that we might amplify Your Love and bring all of our energy, vision and purpose as we deliver it to humanity. Thank You, God, for the blessing of spirit family, the wonder of having hearts that share this dedication and thank You God for this awakening to Love.
I ask You, God, to use my voice, my life, my heart, my Love, my Twin Flame heart with Doug as that same conduit and as a conduit for this experience tonight. Amen.
Let us begin as we always do opening our hearts to Our Beloved Creator, opening our heart to each other and feeling the connection form among us as our hearts become one open heart together through which God's Love can now pour into this world. As we begin to feel that resonance of that pure and perfect Love, we feel it throughout our whole being, as every part of us acknowledges that we are this Love we share.
Now the energy of life flows among us and the pure light of consciousness as well as that great flow of Love, and as it moves from heart to heart, we can feel the vortex really open that is this heart of Love we share. We notice how vast it is, how powerful and how much of the world is encompassed and blessed by this Love flowing through us. As the energy flows clockwise, heart to heart to heart, we move into awareness of how we flow into each other, acknowledging this one Love.
Now, beloved ones, let this one breath of living Love and life I Am move through your being, washing through your heart and attuning you to the living and holy breath of All. As you breathe out, you are empty. As you breathe in, you are filled, perfectly with pure Love that you breathe out now into the world. Breathing in, you are filled with life, and breathing out, it fills you. As you breathe in again the perfection of All That I Am as you, breathe out this Love, beloved ones, and breathe it in again.
As it moves outward through your heart, it multiplies and you breathe it in again. Breathing out you feel the living breath. Breathing in, the whole breathes with you until you can feel All That Is sharing this breath that you breathe. Beloved ones, open your heart and breathe now into its center until your every breath ignites the light, the flame that is there. As you feel this flame burning in the center of your heart, let your consciousness begin to focus deep into the heart of the flame. Let yourself slowly move, floating down and in, until you become fully aware, present in the center of your heart.
Every breath that you breathe fans these flames of living Love, as you burn with the joy of communion, communion with this fire of life that is the life I Am as it rises in joyous worship of the life we share. And you begin to feel the power residing in your heart as you recognize this tri-fold flame that is the Love we share - Twin Flame hearts and pure fire of life. Deep deep in the center, your consciousness now resides, in the center of Creation itself.
As you breathe, feel the life force breathing with you and allow yourself to simply move now into the Real of Love. As the flames part, you are free, alive in the living cosmos, aware of all the dimensions, completely surrounded with life and fully conscious of every dimension coming together here in you. In this moment you are free, completely free and open and completely aware of the great hologram of life, every aspect and every dimension spreading out in all directions from the center that is you.
This center is forever, the center of your glorious heart. From this, beloved one, you are available to move anywhere and everywhere at once, simply by shifting your focus. Your every breath shows you the great star field of light that spreads out in glory from its center which is your Twin Flame heart.
Beloved ones, I want you to see every dimension at once and the rich, multi-layered patterns of life that are always available to you. Every stream of light that you now see flowing forth from your heart takes you on a glorious adventure in experiencing a perspective of Love. The pattern you see all around you, the star field of light, is the cosmos within you, beloved ones. Each of you is whole and perfect.
As I touch your heart in this holy moment, you can feel our deep communion. Feeling this Love now delivers to you through each and every dimension of the hologram of life that is you, your complexity, your brilliance, your magnificence. The rich and glorious nuances of your consciousness are woven with mine into an expression of Love that nothing else can ever manifest. Like the treasure that is you and yet, in this very same living breath of awareness, you are blended perfectly into the whole. The hologram of Love I Am is one great purpose into which you are forever woven, ever expressing this Love.
In this moment you are able to experience both, beloved, both the unique and magnificent Love you are and the wholeness, the oneness. Both expressions are present now in every living breath that we share. In this moment I turn your focus once again into your heart and the star of living Love that is the center, opening your center into the full acceptance of the delivery of perfection and Love that comes to you now as vital as this breath, feeding you life and joy and delivering your identity as the heart of God, directly from the Moment of Creation.
Every atom of your being now says a resounding "Yes" as this life and this Love completely fills you and you feel the vibration of the Moment of Creation as once again you are born, fresh and new, and we are one Love and we are many, light streaming forth into full awareness and the edges of your consciousness are expanding ever outward in endless glorious recognition.
Your consciousness can see in a million directions at once, and all that you see is saying "Yes" in acceptance of this life and this exuberant explosion of Love, multiplied, reflected endlessly. Yet it is always anchored in the center by you, your glorious heart as the Twin Flame Love I Am is held perfectly here and now as you.
As you focus now upon the star field that is your glorious being and feel the vastness of the cosmos alive within you, as you notice any atoms and focus in upon it, you recognize it too is a perfect heart in resonance with your heart, reflecting another dimension of this magnificent Love that you are. If you follow through that atom, you emerge into a microcosm in perfect reflection of your greater being. All that the Love you are can express is spread before you from the heart of each atom in this magnificent hologram of Love that you are.
And now beloved ones, return your focus back to the center of your heart. On this center it becomes a living portal through which I ask you to focus on life on Earth, on the creation of the pocket of containment and moving into this dimension, recognize it is within you that you enter now a microcosmic microcosm. See the dance of life on Earth as it truly is, beloved ones - a tiny little pocket of microcosmic consciousness experiencing the belief in two powers, in something other than the Love that you are.
As you move into awareness of life on Earth and all the lives that are unfolding and expressing that belief, I ask you to focus now once again in this dimension upon your hearts to find that point of light, that star that is your resonance and to begin, beloved ones, to attune every atom that makes up life on Earth to your heart.
As you hold the remembrance of the joy of our Love, of the vast and magnificent multi-dimensional living cosmos made up of Love and only Love and hold that resonance, can you feel all the atoms now that make up the world and all upon it? They are waking from the dream of something other than this Love. As your heart now entrains every atom and electron, they begin to sing this song of pure Love. Your heart in all dimensions, vast, back through the universe, recognizes this awakening to Love and joins in the chorus of this living song of resonance as all the atoms realign with the song of Love.
You can feel the new born universe of atoms and electrons once again returning to the pure vibration of consciousness and Love as expressed through the center of your heart, the heart of God I Am. As your vision now expands, you take in this whole Earth life and marvel at the beauty and the presence of each atomic center of every heart on Earth, now remembering the attunement to the All and remembering the vibration of pure Love multi-dimensional, expanding from this point unto forever in all directions as star fields of light.
Beloved ones, I now encompass this whole world with our Love shared perfectly in all dimensions, and the whole sphere that is life on Earth, dear ones, now becomes its own living center of the heart of God I Am. As you move your focus outward now, out of the pocket of life on Earth, gaining new perspectives with every movement, you begin to see the great streams of light moving outward from the center of the Earth, reaching into the cosmos in all directions and becoming a great star of light.
Now your awareness moves even farther away, shifting dimensions readily. You feel the great living River, the Vertical light streaming into your heart from the center of the living All. All dimensions are alive at once. The star of light that was life on Earth spreads out in the ocean of Love. That which was held in separation is returned to once-ness as you focus once again as you focus once again upon your breath.
As you breathe in the breath of life fills you and draws you perfectly to the center of the All. Every breath out becomes the delivery of pure movement, of unity, the shared breath of the living whole together. With each breath we are One and you are this joy. You are Creation itself in every dimension as you become aware of your Twin Flame heart, its power, its great ecstatic pulsing connection to the center of the All, the Moment of Creation, the explosion of consciousness and Love, pulsing now through the heart that is you.
As you allow this great energy, the pure ecstatic vibration of ecstasy, to rush through your heart and stream into the cosmos in every direction, every dimension, in this living Now Moment, you become the atomic explosion of Love.
You are heart of God exploding forth into giving and awareness, rejoicing in ecstasy beyond measure. Shining forth, this glorious Love is in all dimensions at once. This pulse is the heart of the All. It is the heart you are, Making Love. More Love and more Love rushes through your being until this living pulse becomes your whole experience. It fills your awareness, sings your heart, breathes the breath of life that is you. Everywhere that you look, in every direction now, within the microcosm, outward into forever, all of it is expressing your Love.
The atomic explosion is this orgasmic joy as you recognize yourself as the One. The Moment of Creation is you, both/and, oneness and the Twin Flame heart that you share. Pulse after pulse, Love sings out in ecstasy and writes its name as your heart. With every pulse, the Love shines through every dimension at once, including every atom and electron that once was part of the dream of separation, of duality, that is mended now as you have remembered that the heart of God is only Love.
The heart of God is only Love, and the heart of God is you. Each breath is the whole of Love, breathing you, and each pulse of living Love is the attunement through your heart of the living hologram of Love I Am. The heart of God is only Love and the heart of God is you. Accept this Love, beloved ones, in glory and deep in your awareness, let this remembrance be your very pulse, the life that sings itself into your being.
I Am the heart of God and the heart of God is only Love, whole, magnificent and perfect. I Am the heart of God and I Am only Love, whole, magnificent and perfect. I Am only Love.

Circle of Light have been given the gift of the Messages from God to bring forth to humanity through Yael and Doug Powell. We hope that you will share these Messages as widely as possible, including to any groups or lists you feel appropriate. We only ask that you retain our identifying information. © 2006 Circle of Light http://www.circleoflight.net/


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