14 ноември, 2007

Clearing For The New Energy

Clearing For The New Energy

Higher Self through Carolyn Gervais

It is known by those of you who may be reading this, that humanity is
evolving and upgrading to a higher state of consciousness. What this
means is that the human body and mind, are being rewired. Your DNA is
what you might say, unraveling its layers; as it does so it is
exposing the body and mind to energies that have an opening affect on
all levels. During this processing and upgrading period, you, your
life and your Earth are spiritually expanding through the process of
change. Change brings about challenges which affect all levels of
experience. Many have been moving through challenges such as
vocational changes; financial fluctuations, relationship overhauls and
feelings of depression, loss and confusion. If that’s not enough,
there is a struggling to maintain balance and equilibrium in all areas
of life, including the Earth itself.

Humans are begging for peace of mind; peace for the Earth and all of
its inhabitants. For that to take place there must be a willingness
to come out of hiding and re-evaluate every thought, every feeling and
every belief that has been buried under self-denial. This must take
place first on personal levels, before the human condition on the
Earth can change.

Every day people wonder why the “All Knowing Power” they call God/The
Divine Source/Christ Consciousness or Love, isn’t instantly and
magically healing the planet and everyone on it. It’s because dear
ones, this is a planet of free-will. Everyone’s free-will is not only
different in many varied ways… it is also at war with other
free-wills. Just look at the many variations of cultures and
governments that are not willing to resolve their problems with other
cultures and governments. Not only is there individual free-will in
the mix, there is also the mass consciousness free-will to add to the

Yes it seems many humans are losing Faith in that Higher Power they
once believed would do anything for them, but It still is dear ones.
That Higher Power is giving you not only what you need, but what you
have asked for. It is the reason why you are here on this Earth now.
You have asked to be given the strength and awareness to clean up and
heal what you have played a part in creating in lifetime after
lifetime on the earth. You came back at this moment in time because
you now have the wisdom to heal yourself and your world, but it begins
with you.

The powerlessness you may feel in being able to change and heal
anything right now, is false, and it is causing you to look outside
yourself to a power that separates you from your higher knowing and
the Higher Power you so want to believe in. Wars, crimes, greed and
selfishness are all about one power battling another power for
supremacy, but that isn’t really power is it… it's force. Force
divides and separates. It controls, demands and destroys integrity
and dignity on all levels.

True Power is about teachers and leaders, whose words are listened to
because they are respected for their integrity and not for their
station in life. A person with true power can bring about balance
because he/she has a strong willingness and deep understanding of the
parts that make up the Whole. True Power is about compassion, a
reverence if you will for all of life. It’s about love, communication,
harmlessness, honesty and peaceful resolutions.

So where is this power? It’s inside of you; it’s in everyone, and all
that is required is the willingness to uncover and reveal it. How is
this done you ask?

It’s important to understand that unless you are ready to look deeply
inside your feelings and emotions with the help of the heart, you
won’t find what you are afraid of. And if you don’t… fear and denial
will continue to hide your power from you. And though you have
managed to hide what you are afraid of from your conscious mind,
you can’t hide the relatives of fear, named anger, selfishness, arrogance,
jealousy, greed, self-doubt, self ridicule and self-hate. If you watch
your thoughts during your daily routine, you will realize just how
much those nosey relatives of fear pop into your mind. Circumstances
that trigger them can make them seem impossible to control because
that is when they have the upper hand.

Taking time to catch yourself when one of fears’ relatives surfaces
and tries to sabotage you in some way, is a place for you to begin
asking questions. Questions like: “Why do I feel angry? Why am I
feeling such self-doubt?" Or whatever the case may be.

Don’t accept only the first answer that comes to you, because there
are answers under answers that go much deeper and deeper in side your
mind and heart. When you have time to quietly relax by yourself
somewhere, ask the questions again and at that time, allow yourself to
feel emotion from the answer. If the answer is superficial it is not
the deepest answer, or that particular relative, such as anger, would
not have been there in the first place. Keep doing this questioning
daily for as long as it takes for you to find the root belief, the
feeling and emotion that you have buried inside your heart and denied
expression. At that point, you will then decide if the fear can still
serve your life, once it is transformed into something positive. For
instance the fear could be used as a helpful warning device now that
you are aware of it, instead of a controlling device. But if the fear
no longer serves you, heal and bless it and let it go.

It is understood that no one can heal what they bury and hide from
themselves, no matter how “spiritually aware” they may be. Your body
and mind hold onto fearful beliefs until they are transformed into
something that can be used as an asset in your life, or let go. Once
fear is transformed, your deeper knowing or intuition will give you
guidance in making the choices that will work best for you.

By listening to your inner feelings you will learn to act in the
moment, instead of reacting to protect the fear.

Often it takes several tries to transform a belief or fear into
something that serves you in your life There are many teachers that
can help you in that area if need be. If a fear you thought you were
free of resurfaces, lovingly say to it, “It’s okay, I know you are
just watching out for me, but you are free to go where you are needed
and I thank you for your service.”

Positive thinking methods do not heal denial. Denial is also fear.
Positive thinking methods usually serve as a band aid. They cover the
wound (fear) until it heals just enough to hide under the surface and
seemingly disappear. But the other levels of your body and mind
remember the wound (fear) and how much it had hurt. Every time that
memory is triggered by something on the surface, the pain is
remembered and felt on some level, again and again because the
emotional, and or physical wound isn’t healed on the deeper levels of
your being. It’s hiding under the surface of your conscious mind
where you have buried and forgotten it. When it hurts you feel it but
only through its relatives of anger, self-doubt, depression and a
feeling of not being safe.

It’s time to end the game of hide and seek and reveal all that is
hiding you from you; you from me and me from you. It’s time to awaken
to your True Power by awakening on all levels of your being. The true
feelings and needs that you hide (denial) protect the fear, not you.
It is that truth that will set you free. That truth will connect you
to the true power that lives inside of you and is one with the One
Power that created the Universe. It begins with you who are reading
this. Are you ready?

It is time… time to take back your control through the innate strength
and wisdom you all have. True Power is uncovered by digging beneath
what you avoid inside of you and transforming, instead of ignoring.
Dealing with the root issues that create not only what you fear, but
what those fears have taught you to believe, need to be healed and
changed. In doing that, you will greatly increase the healing process
for yourself which will then help to heal the world. The rewiring
process will then be able to take place more easily and naturally
because you will have helped clear the way.

Blessings to all,
Higher Self of Carolyn Gervais

Copyright © 2007


Carolyn Gervais

I have been a student and a teacher of “metaphysical- spirituality” for
over 30 years. As a young child my yearning to understand why I lived
inside of a body and in a world full of anger, was such a driving
force that I was continuously asking the adults in my life, “how did
we get here and why?” I was told that “God” didn’t want us to know the
answers to such questions. Some higher part of me knew, even at the
young age of nine, that answer was not acceptable.

I have spent my life in search of those answers and many more. That
inquiring mind has taken me into various aspects of study and
experimentation. .. areas that pertain to the deeper meaning and
purpose of the body, mind, soul and spirit.

I offer you spiritual and personal help in the following areas:
Soul Charting (this describes what kind of wiring you came in with and
how to use that wiring to your benefit)
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (past life regressions and healing)
Overlight Spiritual Psychology (life coaching)
Empathic-Cognitive Channeling (tuning into your higher self)
Wholistic Nutritionist (health and body image)

Email: yam516@earthlink.net


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