05 юли, 2008

The Ascending Cosmic Pulse*July 01, 2008:~~ Our Joy Factor ~~

The Ascending Cosmic Pulse

By Shala Mata

July 01, 2008

~~ Our Joy Factor ~~

The energy foundation for July is “Joy,” that wondrous light feeling that elevates every aspect of our being. Joy is an energy that is inherent in each one of us; it creates smiles, laughter and electrifies our cells. It is the energy most often described as our “soul” energy, and is our inherent birthright here upon our beloved Mother Earth.

For the first six months of this year, we have been processing, releasing, and generally trying to maintain a sense of balance within the turbulent intense energy of change that we surf daily upon this planet. During the month of June, we moved through the mid-point of the Venus transit, bringing more awareness of the feminine energy into balance on the planet. The Solstice brought the deepest level of our masculine/feminine selves into harmonized balance than ever before. Our hearts have been prepared over the past months to accept this deeper level of balance.

From the Equinox in March to the Solstice in June, we reviewed and took the necessary steps needed in Our Energy Relationships, Our Heart waves and our Alchemical Mid-point. All of these steps revealed parts of us that held old beliefs, memories, fears, pain. Letting go and moving on is the modus operandi. With the letting go space was made for the new. Many of us tentatively asked ourselves what we truly want and set about taking the steps to bring these desires into reality. We worked deeply on our compassion and the “feeling” of being connected to ALL things living upon our beloved Mother Earth.

We will surf the energy of July as we transition or bridge the completions from the first six months of the year. We will begin to merge our masculine and feminine aspects into a congruent flow of wholeness. I use the word “begin” for this will occur over several months, and will bring with it many challenges and days where we can feel unplugged. The merging of our divine masculine and divine feminine is not a gender issue, but the foundation for the ecstatic energy of pure Love and Joy that is within each of us.

Joy is the delicious feeling of being in our hearts, of feeling whole by feeling your own being. It is amplified or triggered with the meeting of other hearts, or soul family but it is not in any way dependent or generated from anything outside of ourselves. The energy of Joy is the most healing energy available to each of us. It electrifies our cells; the smallest particles of our being spin faster, the energy of our chakra’s openly flow seamlessly between our physical, emotional, mental & spirit bodies. The harmonic signature of our voice, our own laughter fires our DNA to hold higher frequency and vibration.

During the month of July, we will begin to communicate consciously with our divine feminine and divine masculine aspects. This conscious communication comes from entering our own heart, and learning what each part needs to find wholeness.

I will share with you an experience that I had two weeks ago that taught me so much about being in our heart, how we are intimately connected to all living things and things are rarely as they appear. On a gorgeous sunny Sunday afternoon, I was driving with a friend to get fresh organic vegetables from our local farms. We were on a winding country road, as we came around a corner we saw a police car pulled over to the side of the road. We slowed and saw some people leaning over a ditch on the other side of the road. I could see a car had just hit a small fawn. I stopped and went immediately to the ditch, where a very young fawn lay unconscious. Someone was trying to wrap it in a blanket. I sat down in the ditch and pulled the fawn into my arms, and proceeded to check for broken bones. We did not find anything broken, but its heart was racing and breathing was tacky. My heart was racing but I was surprised at how calm I was. Normally, even the thought of an animal injured or upset and I’m a basket case.

After about 15 minutes, it seemed like little one who we named “spirit” and felt like a male wanted to leave this Earth. His vital signs were very low, yet I could feel a strong energy coming from this little being, despite what looked like a hopeless situation. I had called in angelic support and asked for a frequency that would be in the highest good for this little one.

I was guided to go inside spirit’s heart to see what was best. With his little head resting on my shoulder, I looked inside his heart. I was stunned at what he showed me. His heart was size of a gigantic blazing sun, and in the centre of the sun stood a fully-grown majestic buck, with large antlers and warm eyes looking straight into mine, into my heart. Beams of light were creating what I can only describe as a crystalline pathway between our hearts. Without taking his gaze from mine – he walked into my heart with strength and purpose.

My heart expanded into beams of light and a feeling of Joy that is hard to describe. I opened my eyes and instantly knew that spirit would survive. Within seconds, his breathing and heartbeat became stronger, and soft crying sounds were heard if I moved him. The policeman had called the local animal hospital with the details and they suggested he be brought in. We drove little spirit to the vet where we were told that if he survived the night, then he would be transferred to a wild animal recovery centre just outside of Victoria. I called first thing Monday and Spirit had survived and was transferred. I called every day and he was still alive, but unconscious. Finally, four days after the accident he was able to stand on his own, eat solid food and drink water. He has a long way to go but he will recover and
do what he came here to do. He will remain at Wild Arc until he can be returned to the wild.

Spirit helped me merge with the masculine part of me. There is more work to be done, but he showed me a simple way that each one of us can connect deeply with the animal kingdom, from a place of majesty and respect. He showed me that things are not always as they seem. When we connect through the heart of any living thing we are open to the higher truth of their mission here on our planet as well as our own.

This experience shifted something deep inside my heart. I find myself wanting more time for me, instead of being so busy and driven. I’m having more fun and taking everything a lot less seriously. From conversations with friends and clients, I know many of you are feeling the same way. July will offer us an opportunity to feel more joy, lightheartedness and at the same time allow us to go deep inside our own hearts to examine what old stuff is still hanging around.

July is preparing us for the transformation energy download coming in August during the 08-08-08. It is being described as the Harmonic Convergence, and a continuance of the original event in 1987.

The Harmonic Convergence of 08-08-08 is a pervasive convergence of the feminine energies of the Central Sun connected with the energies of 2012. There must be an evolutionary leap as we prepare for 2012. These harmonic energies will create a new wave, a new paradigm” Juliano through David Miller http://www.cybertrails.com/groupofforty/

Through the month of July, more and more galactic 5D Light will be bathing our planet, in preparation for the convergence. Each one of us will receive these frequencies and light, and in doing so we will create a new focus around the areas in our lives needing attention.

I think all of us are aware that things are changing rapidly for people, we are seeing it daily in our families, work colleagues, communities. July is setting the foundation for a graduation from our old issues, fears, beliefs – our Joy factor is part of the graduation. While Joy is on the table for each of us to fully ingest, it is still by choice and belief that this occurs.

The energy waves of July may feel intense, emotional & tiring at times, and at others filled with excitement and the joy of being here and NOW. The question to ask ourselves during the intense times is “how much attention are we giving our painful memories or experiences”? We have all heard the phrase “just let it go” and it is true – but it is more an acceptance on every level of our being. Accepting all the events, experiences, situations without judgment – just accepting and being in our heart.

The energy of Joy moves us immediately into acceptance of each other and ourselves. There will certainly be waves to surf this month and in the months to come, however the divine master within each of us is our heart and the key to the wisdom of that master is Love.


July 2/08 New Moon. This new moon felt very emotional and intense for myself and many I spoke too – it was a sudden change from the day before and I found myself wanting to be quiet and focused inward to listen. We will feel then energy of this particular moon for the next week. The key is to have compassion for yourself and to balance giving and receiving – listen to your gut feelings – they always have an important message.

July 29/08 – Full Moon. This moon lights the path and holds the torch to our new dreams. It lights the threshold we walk through at graduation. It is a sacred time to honour your effort and seize the opportunities now coming.

We end July and start August with a Solar Eclipse/New Moon – a fitting a potent opening to a very exciting and transformational month.

Broadcasting a joyful, upbeat energy from our heart shifts everyone we meet. It is easy to see the difficulties occurring on our planet and feel we can’t make a difference, however we can. When our eyes are sparkling with life, EVERYONE notices and feels that energy. When we are sparkling and shining our gorgeous light – magic happens.

Make magic this month, dance, laugh and Love…..

Love & Blessing, Shala

Image courtesy & copyright of Jean-Luc Bozzoli http://www.jeanlucbozzoli.com





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