23 август, 2008

Soul Transitions* The passage through summer solstice to the eclipses of August

a message from Nancy Leilah Ward

Friday, 22 August, 2008 (posted 23 August, 2008)

The eclipses of the past two weeks have taken us through a journey of release, acceleration and integration. In preparation, after the summer solstice, the past came up for processing and assessment. Some of us have undergone a spiritual battle in a sense, between feeling overwhelming regret for past choices and coming back to the moment of now, which is all any of us truly have.

Now is a river that is always moving. It is not something we can grasp or hold onto, so we learn to let go into the flow. If we are holding onto regrets, we cannot move forward. Personally, I experienced this very thing. In July I visited my family by the ocean on Long Island, N.Y. There were terrible rip tides that week and several people's lives were claimed by the mighty ocean. While swimming one day, I felt the pull of that current as I fought my way back in to shore. During this visit I found myself being confronted with regrets from my past and I realized that the energy of regret is just like a riptide, carrying us out into perilous, lonely waters far from shore.

After a conversation with a friend, I realized that if I keep playing the "re-runs" of the same old regrets over and over, I cannot possibly move forward. Holding on to decisions that I'd made when I was younger and less conscious was holding me back - the regrets were taking up room that could be filled with happiness and light, and situations that I want to bring in. I've focused on forgiving and releasing my past and owning that all the decisions I've made have brought me to where I am now. My life is graced by dear friends and family, and wisdom and creative expression.

There are also some aspects that I don't like regarding where my life is now, which has to do with my desire to move to a different area. I don't feel in harmony with the energetic resonance of my current location, and this is bringing my energy down. This is something I can change right here and now and I can move forward into my future being conscious of my decisions - with the knowledge that every decision I have ever made is in alignment with my highest path and purpose.

The energy of the solar eclipse felt like an uplifting, upsurge of possibilities. It was a time of creating intensions for the new life we are creating. The energy of the lunar eclipse was about going inward and truly releasing the old stuff that has been loosening up throughout the month of July - releasing whatever is in the way of our creation of our new life.

During the week between the eclipses I felt stillness within - and a lull. I was unable to do certain tasks that were part of my responsibility to the outer world - I felt like all I could do was be. I just wanted to sink into the stillness within and be in nature and enjoy the last days of summer. I was fiercely "there" for myself, and said "No" to things that were tugging at me which I couldn't bring my heart to. If I felt the burden of responsibility for something I felt I "had to" do, I gave myself permission to say "no, I'm not doing that today."

Now, I am feeling re-energized. I look back on the lunar eclipse and feel as if I have traveled through a very narrow conduit - the energy in this passageway was sloughing off all the stuff of the past that has been rising from within in this past year.

In the new clarity around me, I became aware of an entity - a dark force energy - that has been whispering words of despair to me when activated by my thoughts. An "entity" is a thought form created by our thoughts. The dark energy that feeds off of our energy is part of this negativity and it reaches into the places within us that are holding negativity. The whisperings of this entity were echoing my own fears, taking me deeper into despair and hopelessness.

The clarity gained through the clearing experience allowed me to see more lucidly than ever before. I did a burning bowl ritual of releasing the past and through a Soul Realignment process, I went to the Akashic Records and did a soul level clearing and sent the dark entity away-contained in an orb and sent to the appropriate astral. The energetic spaces within me where the darkness had reached its tendrils have been filled with the Divine Light of Creator substance.

I will be writing more on the subject of entities, thought forms and energetic resonance in the September Vibe Report.

There are people in my world who are going through very intense difficulties. This is part of the clearing and realignment process. For anyone who reads this who is undergoing changes that seem extremely painful and difficult, know that you will get through the passageway. Consciously ask for what is ready to be released to be cleared and begin to focus on what you want your life to look and feel like. Call on your Guides, Teachers and Angels for help, guidance and comfort. They are there, waiting to assist you.

Deep within we are all connected through Divine Source. I send comfort, love and softness to all, laced with fierce strength and a prayer that we remember just who we are - Creators of our lives and our world!

To know more about Nancy Leilah Ward please go to www.soultransitions.com. To contact her please use the following email address Leilah.nward@gmail.com




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