We the Arcturians are now speaking to you from the eighth vibration. On our level of density, there is no need for names. We are merely our planet. Some have called us the Planetary Logos.
The seventh vibration is the Oversoul, the eight is Planetary Logos, the ninth is the Solar Elohim, the tenth/eleventh is the Stellar Elohim and twelfth vibration is the Source. However, once beyond the seventh vibration of the Oversoul, the dimensions blur and blend into one another in a great cosmic dance.
The Oversoul, which is the last dimension which holds any restriction of life into form, is responsible for its many Souls in the dimensions/vibrations below the seventh. The many Souls who are members of an Oversoul can inhabit any of the lower dimensional worlds, realities, galaxies and planets, while the Oversoul serves as their higher dimensional Soul or Oversoul. In turn, each of these Souls oversees their many personal incarnations on dimensions, galaxies and planets.
Hence, you have a Soul, and your Soul has an Oversoul, and just as your Soul oversees its many personal incarnations, your Oversoul watches over your many Souls. If you are able to remember and commune with your Soul/SELF while in a body of flesh, you can consciously unite with your myriad other incarnated forms through communing with your Soul. This great gathering of SELF can happen while you are still inhibiting a physical form, directly after your death, and/or in-between your incarnations.
If you do not remember and unite with your Soul while you are in a physical form, your belief of Heaven and/or Hell will dictate what your experience is after your death. Once you discover that you are indeed shed of your physical form, you can open your mind to possibilities which may not have been conceivable while you were still limited by your third-dimensional thinking. Once you cross into the higher dimensions, you review your last life to understand the lessons from that incarnation. It is at this point that you can choose whether you wish to have that life to be a permanent reality or release it from your group of alternate realities.
These alternate realities are often known as "past lives." However, time as you know it exists only in the third dimension. In the fourth dimension, time is very mutable, and in the fifth dimension and beyond, time is only the NOW of the ONE. Therefore, from the perspective of your third dimensional incarnation, you would have past, present and future realities. Conversely, from the perspective of your Soul/SELF you have alternate realities that are all occurring at once. Nevertheless, from that viewpoint you can look into each third dimensional life to follow the flow of its timeline.
If a life was so difficult that the you could not realize that you had the power to perceive yourself from the perspective of your Soul, then you may return to a life very similar to the one you just left to complete what you had determined to experience in that incarnation. At this point, both lives become the same reality, like a dream that is not completed, so you return to it when you fall back asleep.
If within an incarnation you are able to communicate with the beings of your Soul or Oversoul in the higher dimensions, these frequencies of your total SELF can serve as guides to your third-dimensional earth vessel. This higher dimensional communication will greatly expand your consciousness, as you will realize that your total essence is not restricted to one small clay shell.
With unconditional ascension, everyone will take on a fifth-dimensional body of light at the time of planetary ascension. Once each Soul has transmuted its third-dimensional body of clay into a fifth-dimensional body of light, they will determine whether or not that life stream can maintain such a frequency of consciousness. If they feel that they cannot because they have not completed all their third or fourth dimensional experiences, they can go to a planet where they will have the experiences that are necessary for them to complete their physical experiences of separation and limitation. However, once they make that decision, they will have to stay within the evolution of that planet until they feel they have completed all their third dimensional experiences and are ready to maintain a fifth dimensional lightbody.
There is no need for blame or forgiveness for those who have chosen to return to a third dimensional form, except by those still attached to a third and forth dimensional consciousness. Upon awakening, these people will be of great value in the locations of their incarnation, for they will have experienced the momentous event of planetary ascension. Once they are able to remember their ascension, they will be able to tell the others of that experience, thus greatly assisting the evolution of that planet.
We on Arcturus await your return to the lightbody of your Multidimensional SELF. We love all of you unconditionally, and there is not one single one of you that we have forgotten. We have kept the Flame of Truth alive for you since the fall of Atlantis in the Age of Leo and are here now to remind you of our presence as you enter the Age of Aquarius. We offer our service in assisting you to remembering us, as well as remembering your Soul/SELF.
As you move deeper and deeper into the photon belt of the Aquarian Constellation, your weather will continue to change at an alarming rate, which will get the attention of the staunchest skeptics. Also, telepathic skills will become more and more effective as you send messages via the Internet where there are no visual clues, and you must communicate primarily through each other's consciousness. The process of communication with someone very far away and in another time zone without any visual cues is much like the process through which you will commune with your Soul and the many other aspects of your Multidimensional SELF.
Many of you will suddenly get responses or communications from unknown beings who are not exactly of the earthly world. More and more of you will no longer fear these messages and will actually grow to accept and enjoy them. We, the Arcturians, are ever receptive to your call. All you need do to talk with us is follow the feeling of unconditional love and trust your SELF.
Our contribution to this Galaxy is to serve as the Gatekeepers for passage into and out of the third/fourth dimension. Because of this, we have become very present in your higher consciousness, so that we may assist you with your personal and planetary transmutation into the fifth dimensionsascension. In fact, we will now present to you a visualization to assist you in your transformation into your fifth dimensional and beyond lightbody.
Imagine how your body of light might look. Through the imagination of your Third Eye, see your natural emanation of light. Feel how that light tingles and moves. Do not doubt your inner perceptions. Remember who you truly are.
Now, with the vision of your Third Eye, see the body of light, which is the core of your light emanations. Focus first on the hands of light that overlap your human hands. Feel the weightlessness of your lightbody's hands in comparison with your human hands.
Feel how there is an energy field just above your human hands, dictating your physical hands' every movement. Turn over your hands and feel your lightbody hands as they caress the palms of your human hands to integrate into your human hands.
Release control of your human hands to your lightbody hands and allow them to slowly rise. As your hands rise, you see their light move up your arms and circle around into your heart. Bring your lightbody hands up to your Brow Chakra so that your Third Eye can more clearly see them. Feel their emanation of light upon your face.
Experience how this light moves up into your Crown Chakra and down into your Heart Chakra. With the combined energy of your heart and mind, be aware of the burst of creativity in your Throat Chakra.
Now, allow your lightbody hands to float down to touch your heart. Visualize the burst of light in your Heart Chakra as you touch it with your hands of light and activate your lightbody heart.
Your lightbody heart is overlaid upon your human heart. Yes, you can see that the color your lightbody heart is just beyond your human vision. It appears green, but it is not green. Instead, it is the color in the center of a light spectrum which is several octaves above the light spectrum of your human vision. Your lightbody heart appears green because it resonates to the center of the light spectrum. This centeredness is what allows your lightbody to live in Unity Consciousness.
Take three long, slow, deep breaths to breathe this greenish light down through your body and into the body of Gaia. Inhale the green light and exhale as you touch first your Solar Plexus Chakra, then your Navel Chakra and then your Root Chakra. Now, breathe the light down your legs, through your feet and into the planetary body of Gaia. Feel how your lightbody is ONE with lightbody of Gaia.
With your expanded Unity Consciousness, breathe this higher dimensional green down your legs and into the body of Gaia. Feel how your lightbody is ONE with the lightbody of Earth and how your consciousness is at ONE with Gaia, the consciousness of Earth.
Violet indicates the highest vibration of the light spectrum and is the color of your Crown Chakra and opened Third Eye. Imagine a violet light that is different than the violet on Earth, as it is several octaves above it.
Inhale this higher frequency violet light in through your Crown Chakra and exhale it out through your Third Eye into your consciousness and your aura. See how this light projects out and merges with the aura and consciousness of Gaia.
As you go about your day, remember the higher green in your Heart Chakra and SEE it in your lightbody's hands. Feel how their vibration is one with your lightbody's heart. Realize how your breath and touch influences your environment.
As you go about your day, see the higher dimensional violet light that fills your aura and the aura of Gaia. Realize how your consciousness and thoughts influences your environment.
Experience the land upon which you walk, the air that you breathe, the water that you drink or bathe in and the fire of the sun as a portion of the Unity Consciousness that blends your lightbody with Gaia's lightbody.
In this manner, you will begin to BE your SELF in the midst of you mundane life.
Dear Ones, in closing we wish to tell you that your Path has taken you to the edge of a cliff, and there is no where left for you to go. All you can do is to face the wind, arms spread wide to embrace all life. Then wait for it to carry you to the next level. This new level of reality is still invisible to your human perceptions, but as you relax and surrender to your Soul, it will gradually reveal itself like the dawn through a misty morn.
At first the source of the light may be blurred by mist and fog, but if you can remain steady and patient, the sun will burn off the fog and the mist will settle back into the land. In that moment of clarity, you will make your decisions. Until then, all you can do is actively wait while you hold the vision of your lightbody in your mind and the truth of your SELF in your heart.
Be calm, be open and, most important, be REAL. Do not hold back the expression of your SELF or follow the "shoulds" of others. Find within the much needed comfort you crave, while you also reach out to another and tell them your truth. Not only will that action pass on the word, but it will also lower old walls of self-protection and fear. Trust that you know who to relate to and what to say to them. When in doubt, just open your mouth and let the truth come out!Infinitely,The Arcturians
I am Illuminata Emaculatas, the Immaculate Illumination. I have also been known as IlliaEm, the Elohim of Arcturus. My true name cannot be spoken or written in your language, but close your eyes and ears now as you feel my energy signature.
I serve as a Solar Elohim for the Star System of Arcturus. My essence is one of pure, unconditional love. Earth is not the only planet that experiences love. Love is the vibration of Creation. However, Earth is one of the planets which have dared to extend the love vibration into the third dimension. In the third dimension the polarization of Spirit and matter creates the separation of light/love and dark/fear. This separation is much like the separation of plasma and blood cells with the darkness being the plasma which offers a carrier for the light and the light being the blood cells which are the building block for the continuation of life.
From my perspective, your many incarnations are seen as shinning balls of light, although some of these lights are much dimmer than others. These balls of light encircle Lady Gaia and have roots that run deep into the core of her being. When you heal any of your Soul's incarnations on Earth, you serve to heal the Earth and clear the planetary consciousness of Gaia. Your Soul looks through these balls of light, incarnations, as points of perspective to see and experience physical life in a different fashion.
Furthermore, your Oversoul can look each Soul's light points of perception to see your many expressions of life limited within form. Your Multidimensional SELF can simultaneously experience your physical, Soul and Oversoul life within the same moment. As you continue to download and integrate your Multidimensional SELF, you too will expand you perceptions far beyond the limitations of you physical vessel. In this manner, you will experience the higher dimensions at the same time that you will remain in your physical form.
It is at that point that you will have ascended. Your experiences from that point on will be of your conscious choosing.
Would you like another preview of your multidimensional vision?
See a Golden Door before you.Stand directly in front of this door.How big is this door?
In your imagination, reach out with your lightbody hands to touch the door.Can you feel the heat of this higher vibration as it emanates off the door?Can you hear the buzz, which sounds like a million fireflies?
Are you ready to enter this door?Are you ready to remove the veils of illusion that have clouded your experience of the Truth?
If you are ready, step towards the door.With every step, the door seems to move closer to you.
Feel the call in your lightbody heart for the door to open.With your lightbody mind, step across the threshold.Feel the transition in your body.
You are glowing now.Your body is of the same golden light as the Golden Door.
Take a long moment to adjust to your higher frequency SELF.Feel that you are light as a feather, yet fully grounded.
Your movement is now in your mind, for your physical body is perfectly still.Patiently await your Multidimensional SELF.
Your Multidimensional Soul/SELF is before you now, as well as within you. You feel its presence within you guiding your mind moves you towards a circle made of an even more brilliant light.
The Circle is filled with complete stillness, yet there is also the faint whisper of a celestial choir.
You must enter this circle alone.You must find within yourself the unity and guidance of your SELF.Unconditional love and complete commitment will guide you.
You are in the center of the Circle now. Resonating from within and around you, you hear the voice of your Multidimensional SELF.
What is it saying to you?
My Ones, you are, indeed, transforming into your lightbody. This transition requires a lot of rest. When you add new programs to your computer, you must re-start it. In the same fashion, when you download new programs into your consciousness, you need to re-start your biological computer. If you don't do so, both the old and the new systems will function incorrectly because the old program has been released, but the new one has not yet been totally integrated into your operating system.
It is important that you remember to remain quiet and introspective after each major download. In the silence of minimal activity your biological computer and earth vessel can fully release your old programming and re-calibrate to the slightly higher frequency of the new program.
Please trust your instincts as to when you are having a download. In other words, believe your SELF. The truth is, anyone who is awake enough to ponder, "Was that experience a download of higher light?" did, indeed, receive an influx of higher frequency energy.
The time is NOW for Gaia's flashpoint into the fifth dimension. Therefore, everyone who has consciously, unconsciously or superconsciously asked to receive an upgrade to their consciousness and earth vessel will receive one. We wish to thank all humans who have taken on this great responsibility. We know and recognize you as vanguards, and wish to thank you for your contribution.
I AM forever with you and ready to assist you in holding your new form of lightbody.Yours,IlliaEm
We the Arcturians are now speaking to you from the eighth vibration. On our level of density, there is no need for names. We are merely our planet. Some have called us the Planetary Logos.
The seventh vibration is the Oversoul, the eight is Planetary Logos, the ninth is the Solar Elohim, the tenth/eleventh is the Stellar Elohim and twelfth vibration is the Source. However, once beyond the seventh vibration of the Oversoul, the dimensions blur and blend into one another in a great cosmic dance.
The Oversoul, which is the last dimension which holds any restriction of life into form, is responsible for its many Souls in the dimensions/vibrations below the seventh. The many Souls who are members of an Oversoul can inhabit any of the lower dimensional worlds, realities, galaxies and planets, while the Oversoul serves as their higher dimensional Soul or Oversoul. In turn, each of these Souls oversees their many personal incarnations on dimensions, galaxies and planets.
Hence, you have a Soul, and your Soul has an Oversoul, and just as your Soul oversees its many personal incarnations, your Oversoul watches over your many Souls. If you are able to remember and commune with your Soul/SELF while in a body of flesh, you can consciously unite with your myriad other incarnated forms through communing with your Soul. This great gathering of SELF can happen while you are still inhibiting a physical form, directly after your death, and/or in-between your incarnations.
If you do not remember and unite with your Soul while you are in a physical form, your belief of Heaven and/or Hell will dictate what your experience is after your death. Once you discover that you are indeed shed of your physical form, you can open your mind to possibilities which may not have been conceivable while you were still limited by your third-dimensional thinking. Once you cross into the higher dimensions, you review your last life to understand the lessons from that incarnation. It is at this point that you can choose whether you wish to have that life to be a permanent reality or release it from your group of alternate realities.
These alternate realities are often known as "past lives." However, time as you know it exists only in the third dimension. In the fourth dimension, time is very mutable, and in the fifth dimension and beyond, time is only the NOW of the ONE. Therefore, from the perspective of your third dimensional incarnation, you would have past, present and future realities. Conversely, from the perspective of your Soul/SELF you have alternate realities that are all occurring at once. Nevertheless, from that viewpoint you can look into each third dimensional life to follow the flow of its timeline.
If a life was so difficult that the you could not realize that you had the power to perceive yourself from the perspective of your Soul, then you may return to a life very similar to the one you just left to complete what you had determined to experience in that incarnation. At this point, both lives become the same reality, like a dream that is not completed, so you return to it when you fall back asleep.
If within an incarnation you are able to communicate with the beings of your Soul or Oversoul in the higher dimensions, these frequencies of your total SELF can serve as guides to your third-dimensional earth vessel. This higher dimensional communication will greatly expand your consciousness, as you will realize that your total essence is not restricted to one small clay shell.
With unconditional ascension, everyone will take on a fifth-dimensional body of light at the time of planetary ascension. Once each Soul has transmuted its third-dimensional body of clay into a fifth-dimensional body of light, they will determine whether or not that life stream can maintain such a frequency of consciousness. If they feel that they cannot because they have not completed all their third or fourth dimensional experiences, they can go to a planet where they will have the experiences that are necessary for them to complete their physical experiences of separation and limitation. However, once they make that decision, they will have to stay within the evolution of that planet until they feel they have completed all their third dimensional experiences and are ready to maintain a fifth dimensional lightbody.
There is no need for blame or forgiveness for those who have chosen to return to a third dimensional form, except by those still attached to a third and forth dimensional consciousness. Upon awakening, these people will be of great value in the locations of their incarnation, for they will have experienced the momentous event of planetary ascension. Once they are able to remember their ascension, they will be able to tell the others of that experience, thus greatly assisting the evolution of that planet.
We on Arcturus await your return to the lightbody of your Multidimensional SELF. We love all of you unconditionally, and there is not one single one of you that we have forgotten. We have kept the Flame of Truth alive for you since the fall of Atlantis in the Age of Leo and are here now to remind you of our presence as you enter the Age of Aquarius. We offer our service in assisting you to remembering us, as well as remembering your Soul/SELF.
As you move deeper and deeper into the photon belt of the Aquarian Constellation, your weather will continue to change at an alarming rate, which will get the attention of the staunchest skeptics. Also, telepathic skills will become more and more effective as you send messages via the Internet where there are no visual clues, and you must communicate primarily through each other's consciousness. The process of communication with someone very far away and in another time zone without any visual cues is much like the process through which you will commune with your Soul and the many other aspects of your Multidimensional SELF.
Many of you will suddenly get responses or communications from unknown beings who are not exactly of the earthly world. More and more of you will no longer fear these messages and will actually grow to accept and enjoy them. We, the Arcturians, are ever receptive to your call. All you need do to talk with us is follow the feeling of unconditional love and trust your SELF.
Our contribution to this Galaxy is to serve as the Gatekeepers for passage into and out of the third/fourth dimension. Because of this, we have become very present in your higher consciousness, so that we may assist you with your personal and planetary transmutation into the fifth dimensionsascension. In fact, we will now present to you a visualization to assist you in your transformation into your fifth dimensional and beyond lightbody.
Imagine how your body of light might look. Through the imagination of your Third Eye, see your natural emanation of light. Feel how that light tingles and moves. Do not doubt your inner perceptions. Remember who you truly are.
Now, with the vision of your Third Eye, see the body of light, which is the core of your light emanations. Focus first on the hands of light that overlap your human hands. Feel the weightlessness of your lightbody's hands in comparison with your human hands.
Feel how there is an energy field just above your human hands, dictating your physical hands' every movement. Turn over your hands and feel your lightbody hands as they caress the palms of your human hands to integrate into your human hands.
Release control of your human hands to your lightbody hands and allow them to slowly rise. As your hands rise, you see their light move up your arms and circle around into your heart. Bring your lightbody hands up to your Brow Chakra so that your Third Eye can more clearly see them. Feel their emanation of light upon your face.
Experience how this light moves up into your Crown Chakra and down into your Heart Chakra. With the combined energy of your heart and mind, be aware of the burst of creativity in your Throat Chakra.
Now, allow your lightbody hands to float down to touch your heart. Visualize the burst of light in your Heart Chakra as you touch it with your hands of light and activate your lightbody heart.
Your lightbody heart is overlaid upon your human heart. Yes, you can see that the color your lightbody heart is just beyond your human vision. It appears green, but it is not green. Instead, it is the color in the center of a light spectrum which is several octaves above the light spectrum of your human vision. Your lightbody heart appears green because it resonates to the center of the light spectrum. This centeredness is what allows your lightbody to live in Unity Consciousness.
Take three long, slow, deep breaths to breathe this greenish light down through your body and into the body of Gaia. Inhale the green light and exhale as you touch first your Solar Plexus Chakra, then your Navel Chakra and then your Root Chakra. Now, breathe the light down your legs, through your feet and into the planetary body of Gaia. Feel how your lightbody is ONE with lightbody of Gaia.
With your expanded Unity Consciousness, breathe this higher dimensional green down your legs and into the body of Gaia. Feel how your lightbody is ONE with the lightbody of Earth and how your consciousness is at ONE with Gaia, the consciousness of Earth.
Violet indicates the highest vibration of the light spectrum and is the color of your Crown Chakra and opened Third Eye. Imagine a violet light that is different than the violet on Earth, as it is several octaves above it.
Inhale this higher frequency violet light in through your Crown Chakra and exhale it out through your Third Eye into your consciousness and your aura. See how this light projects out and merges with the aura and consciousness of Gaia.
As you go about your day, remember the higher green in your Heart Chakra and SEE it in your lightbody's hands. Feel how their vibration is one with your lightbody's heart. Realize how your breath and touch influences your environment.
As you go about your day, see the higher dimensional violet light that fills your aura and the aura of Gaia. Realize how your consciousness and thoughts influences your environment.
Experience the land upon which you walk, the air that you breathe, the water that you drink or bathe in and the fire of the sun as a portion of the Unity Consciousness that blends your lightbody with Gaia's lightbody.
In this manner, you will begin to BE your SELF in the midst of you mundane life.
Dear Ones, in closing we wish to tell you that your Path has taken you to the edge of a cliff, and there is no where left for you to go. All you can do is to face the wind, arms spread wide to embrace all life. Then wait for it to carry you to the next level. This new level of reality is still invisible to your human perceptions, but as you relax and surrender to your Soul, it will gradually reveal itself like the dawn through a misty morn.
At first the source of the light may be blurred by mist and fog, but if you can remain steady and patient, the sun will burn off the fog and the mist will settle back into the land. In that moment of clarity, you will make your decisions. Until then, all you can do is actively wait while you hold the vision of your lightbody in your mind and the truth of your SELF in your heart.
Be calm, be open and, most important, be REAL. Do not hold back the expression of your SELF or follow the "shoulds" of others. Find within the much needed comfort you crave, while you also reach out to another and tell them your truth. Not only will that action pass on the word, but it will also lower old walls of self-protection and fear. Trust that you know who to relate to and what to say to them. When in doubt, just open your mouth and let the truth come out!Infinitely,The Arcturians
I am Illuminata Emaculatas, the Immaculate Illumination. I have also been known as IlliaEm, the Elohim of Arcturus. My true name cannot be spoken or written in your language, but close your eyes and ears now as you feel my energy signature.
I serve as a Solar Elohim for the Star System of Arcturus. My essence is one of pure, unconditional love. Earth is not the only planet that experiences love. Love is the vibration of Creation. However, Earth is one of the planets which have dared to extend the love vibration into the third dimension. In the third dimension the polarization of Spirit and matter creates the separation of light/love and dark/fear. This separation is much like the separation of plasma and blood cells with the darkness being the plasma which offers a carrier for the light and the light being the blood cells which are the building block for the continuation of life.
From my perspective, your many incarnations are seen as shinning balls of light, although some of these lights are much dimmer than others. These balls of light encircle Lady Gaia and have roots that run deep into the core of her being. When you heal any of your Soul's incarnations on Earth, you serve to heal the Earth and clear the planetary consciousness of Gaia. Your Soul looks through these balls of light, incarnations, as points of perspective to see and experience physical life in a different fashion.
Furthermore, your Oversoul can look each Soul's light points of perception to see your many expressions of life limited within form. Your Multidimensional SELF can simultaneously experience your physical, Soul and Oversoul life within the same moment. As you continue to download and integrate your Multidimensional SELF, you too will expand you perceptions far beyond the limitations of you physical vessel. In this manner, you will experience the higher dimensions at the same time that you will remain in your physical form.
It is at that point that you will have ascended. Your experiences from that point on will be of your conscious choosing.
Would you like another preview of your multidimensional vision?
See a Golden Door before you.Stand directly in front of this door.How big is this door?
In your imagination, reach out with your lightbody hands to touch the door.Can you feel the heat of this higher vibration as it emanates off the door?Can you hear the buzz, which sounds like a million fireflies?
Are you ready to enter this door?Are you ready to remove the veils of illusion that have clouded your experience of the Truth?
If you are ready, step towards the door.With every step, the door seems to move closer to you.
Feel the call in your lightbody heart for the door to open.With your lightbody mind, step across the threshold.Feel the transition in your body.
You are glowing now.Your body is of the same golden light as the Golden Door.
Take a long moment to adjust to your higher frequency SELF.Feel that you are light as a feather, yet fully grounded.
Your movement is now in your mind, for your physical body is perfectly still.Patiently await your Multidimensional SELF.
Your Multidimensional Soul/SELF is before you now, as well as within you. You feel its presence within you guiding your mind moves you towards a circle made of an even more brilliant light.
The Circle is filled with complete stillness, yet there is also the faint whisper of a celestial choir.
You must enter this circle alone.You must find within yourself the unity and guidance of your SELF.Unconditional love and complete commitment will guide you.
You are in the center of the Circle now. Resonating from within and around you, you hear the voice of your Multidimensional SELF.
What is it saying to you?
My Ones, you are, indeed, transforming into your lightbody. This transition requires a lot of rest. When you add new programs to your computer, you must re-start it. In the same fashion, when you download new programs into your consciousness, you need to re-start your biological computer. If you don't do so, both the old and the new systems will function incorrectly because the old program has been released, but the new one has not yet been totally integrated into your operating system.
It is important that you remember to remain quiet and introspective after each major download. In the silence of minimal activity your biological computer and earth vessel can fully release your old programming and re-calibrate to the slightly higher frequency of the new program.
Please trust your instincts as to when you are having a download. In other words, believe your SELF. The truth is, anyone who is awake enough to ponder, "Was that experience a download of higher light?" did, indeed, receive an influx of higher frequency energy.
The time is NOW for Gaia's flashpoint into the fifth dimension. Therefore, everyone who has consciously, unconsciously or superconsciously asked to receive an upgrade to their consciousness and earth vessel will receive one. We wish to thank all humans who have taken on this great responsibility. We know and recognize you as vanguards, and wish to thank you for your contribution.
I AM forever with you and ready to assist you in holding your new form of lightbody.Yours,IlliaEm
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