Major Intersection
Since October, we have been strongly affected by the powerful surges
of massive Outgoing and Incoming Tides. On the days when the Waves of
the Old are super strong, we feel a poignant sadness, grieving for
all that is dying away. It feels like a giant tsunami wave is pulling
everything away from us, all that we have known, all that we have
mastered, all that has defined who we are. It's all being sucked out
to the distant sea, never to return.
And it's not that we even want to hold onto these things, but it's
the sheer magnitude of the letting go that affects us so strongly.
The finality of NO DOWN - NO RETURN.
It's having those final
conversations with the people whom we once regarded as friends, who
are now moving out of our world. It's the realization that many of
our favorite activities don't give us any more enjoyment, that many
of our favorite foods no longer give us any real nourishment. It's
the uncertainty as to how our New Lives are going to manifest
themselves. Or what they're going to look like. Or where we will end
up living. Or whether or not we will find our One True Love. It's
looking backwards and seeing the long line of burning bridges in the
Every massive Outgoing Tide is immediately followed by a massive
Incoming Tide bringing in Waves of the New. New information comes in,
new pieces of the puzzle, new connections, new opportunities, new
brilliant possibilities and new directions. Each time they come in,
the Waves of the New are larger and stronger, clearer, more real and
Breakthroughs appear; obstacles dissolve; more Green Lights turn on;
we start decisively moving forward towards our New Lives. The Waves
of Separation now become Waves of Union. The Waves of Dying Away
become Waves of Rebirth and Renewal. New people, new realizations and
new situations effortlessly enter our lives.
The pull of these two seemingly opposite Tides are often so intense
that they bring all of our activities to a complete halt, forcing us
to go within and work on the level of pure energy to create the New
Matrix. Many of us got sick in October to aid this process and to
give ourselves much needed integration time.
Throughout October, our beings were profoundly scoured, much like a
wildfire scorches the landscape. Many illusions were stripped away,
allowing us to become more real and true. Many people left our lives,
making space for truer ones.
And if we put our full beings into moving into the New, we were
stripped TO THE CORE. For this is exactly where we most need to be.
To say that we are at a critical point is a vast understatement. This
is beyond MAKE OR BREAK TIME. The decisions we make now will have an
indelible effect on our future. It's essential that we make sure our
priorities are in the correct order. It's essential that we continue
to release all expired elements from our lives. It's essential that
we point the Compass of our Hearts into the very truest direction for
the Fulfillment of our Wildest Dreams.
Our shift into the New Matrix heightens the dissolving of the
calcification of duality. This is mirrored in our physical world by a
huge breakdown of duality's infrastructure. Bridges collapse, the
ingrained corruption of businesses and governments is being
increasingly exposed, financial markets are falling, mechanical
things malfunction and glitches abound in numerous areas. Things just
don't work smoothly like they used to.
The MAKE OR BREAK TIME is also readily visible in the extreme weather
patterns buffeting our planet. Often the weather will drastically
change every ten minutes or so, going from sunny and warm to rainy
and cold in an instant, and then back again. Wildfires are scouring
the landscape, floods are inundating huge areas, typhoons are blowing
away the old and earthquakes are shaking everything up so the old
patterns can be released.
The atmosphere surrounding us is often full of an heightened sense of
expectancy. The sense that something major is about to happen.
Sometimes, it feels ominous, as if we have reached the end of the
world. Other times, the sense of expectancy fills us with great
excitement and we know that all wondrous things are possible.
This breakdown of duality will continue to intensify in the months to
come, as will the unpinning of time. This combination requires us to
develop totally new navigational skills. We need to learn how to skip
around the obstacles in our path without slowing our pace and not to
let the glitches throw us off balance. We need to learn how to be
totally comfortable when we are unpinned from time and how to clearly
and cheerfully function at all hours of the day and night.
This is why it's more important than ever to live fully anchored in
the Greater Reality. The stakes have become very real and we must be
totally real, authentic and true to cope with it.
The One always has a great day, no matter what the external
circumstances. When we live in the Greater Reality in the HERE and
NOW, it doesn't really matter if we are happy or sad, whether we're
surrounded by friends or all alone, whether we are rich or poor, or
what we are experiencing. We don't get caught up in the drama or in
the ebb and flow of duality. Instead we center ourselves in the
timeless eternal moment of NOW.
This is similar to flying in an airplane. Down on Earth it may be a
stormy day with flashing lightning and pouring rain. But once we fly
above the clouds, there are blue skies! On the level beyond duality,
there are always blue skies. This zone of clear weather and open
space is just like the Greater Reality. And this is exactly where we
need to place ourselves and live in each moment of our everyday
But please make sure that when you reach the blue skies that they are
the real ones, not the false blue skies created by our denial of
being fully real.
Each of our beings is like a huge stone pillar. Throughout our many
lifetimes, our stalwart pillar has held us up and kept us grounded.
Our pillar has been rock solid and steady, no matter what we
experienced. Until lately....
For the past few months, monolithic shifts have been taking place on
the deepest core levels, both within us and within this physical
planet. Each time that a monolithic shift happens, parts of our
pillars break off and crumble into dust. Whenever this occurs, we
feel stripped and vulnerable. Yet, as the heavy weight of the pillar
that has long encased us falls away, we are able to expand our beings
far beyond our previous boundaries.
At times, we may worry that without our pillar to hold us up, we will
be weakened and fall down or simply blow away; but this is not the
case. For inside our rapidly dissolving pillar is a super strong
titanium rod which is what has really been holding everything up all
along! This is similar to the metal rods or rebars that are inside
concrete pillars.
As more chunks of our pillar drop off, we will realize how heavy and
cumbersome it was to be covered in thick stone for so long. We will
feel that we have finally been liberated to openly be our true selves
and we will have arrived at our new level.
November and December are the most critical months of the year. It's
going to take everything we've got to get ourselves into our New
Lives. We need to row night and day with our full beings if we really
want to get there. Just like a runner in a marathon who is nearing
the end of the long race and reaches deep within to find that last
burst of speed to get to the finish line, we need to go all out and
row even faster. We are making our final sprint into our New Lives.
And this is the most important time of all. This is when we must not
What makes this challenging isn't so much the effort of rowing. Many
of us have been rowing for some time and have already developed our
rowing muscles. We've made our full commitment and have put becoming
True Core Beings and manifesting our New Lives at the top of our list
of priorities. What makes it a bit difficult is the state that we're
The Winds of Change are nearing gale force, buffeting us with
extremely intense energy. This will only intensify as we approach the
series of Major Intersections just ahead. At the same time, our
pillars are crumbling and our beings expanding immeasurably.
This is deeply affecting our mental bodies. Our poor minds are so
vastly expanded that they feel full of huge gaping holes and our
attention span is greatly reduced, sometimes to almost zero. It is
impossible to focus on just one thing at a time or to do anything in
a logical, linear manner; at times it is nearly impossible to focus
on anything!
At the same time, our hearts are still covered by scaffolding, making
us feel emotionally numb much of the time. And even though some large
pieces of scaffolding fell off in September, enabling us to briefly
have emotions, it feels as if a new layer of scaffolding has now
replaced it.
So yes, many of us are rowing as hard as we can, yet it's not so much
fun when your mind is full of holes and you don't have access to your
deeper feelings. When we are mindless and emotionless and all we can
do is row, faster and faster, with everything we've got. But this is
exactly what we must do if we want to reach the shores of our New
In spite of these obvious challenges, amazingly, we are actually
getting much done, even though we don't think we are. We're just not
functioning in our old ways. Instead, it is happening in an almost
Zen-like manner. Things are getting done without our dedicated focus
or concentrated efforts. It is like having a stove full of boiling
pots. We can't put our attention on any particular pot, yet they are
all getting cooked. Occasionally, we do manage to throw in some
vegetables or herbs, without even thinking about what we are doing;
yet we are doing exactly what needs to be done and when our food is
ready, it will be surprisingly delicious.
And throughout it all, we must never stop rowing with our full
beings. We must never stop believing in our New Lives. We must never
stop believing in One True Love. We are so close now....
This is the final sprint to the finish line and we simply must not
slow our pace or let anything stop us.
The Express Trains into the New are moving faster and faster. Along
the way at the intermediate stations, they are picking up new
passengers, those who are ready to leap aboard with their full
beings. This will continue until the end of the year. After that, the
trains will speed up immeasurably, going so fast that it will be
almost impossible to jump aboard.
Surprisingly, there are some already on the Express Trains who are
panicking and jumping off. They feel that they can stretch no further
beyond their comfort zones. They know that they will soon pass the
Point of No Return and won't be able to hold onto their old ways of
being. This causes them to panic at the last minute and jump off the
train, frantically clutching onto the old and expired.
Whenever this happens, even if it happens to someone whom we dearly
love, we must stay on our train and continue on. There is no time to
get off and rescue anyone; everyone must make it onto the train on
their own volition. If we try to get off to help someone, we will
find that our train will continue on without us.
During the next two months there will be a definitive reshuffling of
the passengers on our Express Trains. Some people whom we hadn't
heard from for years, will be sitting beside us, as if we had never
parted. At the same time, some whom we were positive would be with us
until the very end, will suddenly disappear. And new faces of kindred
beings will continually appear to fill the empty seats.
This will greatly intensify once we reach our final Major
Intersection of this year. When this happens, all our Express Trains
will converge at a huge railway terminal hub where past and future
converge, creating a portal through time and space. Once we reach
this station, many new people will be getting on the Express Trains,
while some will be making a last minute change of Express Trains to
get on the one that leads to their truest direction.
The passengers will be arriving from every direction, and even some
of those people whom we left long ago in the past have surprisingly
found their way here via different routes, moving through different
worlds to jump on the Express Train into their rightful direction.
If you want to really travel on the Express Trains into the New and
True, it's time to get yourself to the nearest station and be ready
to leap aboard!
In November we are going to encounter our first Major Intersection.
This could happen any time during the month, although I feel that it
will occur from November 11 onwards. There may even be more than one
Major Intersection.
It's impossible to search for a Major Intersection; there is nothing
we can do to make it happen other than becoming real and true and
getting ourselves onto our new level. Once we do that, we simply wait
for the right conditions to be in alignment. Right Time - Right
A Major Intersection is more than a mere crossroads. It is an
extremely rare connection point between elements that have been
traveling on what appeared to be totally different diagonal
trajectories. The symbol for a Major Intersection is an X. Once we
reach the center of the X, a quantum activation occurs, setting off a
total realignment which creates an entirely new patterning. The
extremities of the X expand outwards and towards each other creating
new outer points that now form a diamond. As the X expands into a
diamond, our previously separate paths merge into an infinitely
vaster unified one.
When this occurs, it turns our probable realities inside out,
revealing the map of an entirely new, greatly expanded landscape that
we couldn't see before. At the same time, a whole new section of our
Sealed Orders pop open, revealing previously unseen details of our
New Lives.
Whenever a Major Intersection takes place, it sets off a chain
reaction of miraculous events. Enormous ripples are sent forth, much
like the waves created by a powerboat on a lake. These ripples will
continue to have a major effect on our lives, setting up more
Intersections of Right Time and Right Place.
Some of the numerous potential possibilities that may occur during a
Major Intersection include finding your true kindred people, locating
your right place, meeting your One True Love or connecting with a new
career direction. Or all of the above! And more. It is a time of
tremendous breakthroughs on all levels.
Even though November is a powerful month containing Major
Intersections, this doesn't mean that everyone will experience them.
There's a certain amount of preparation that is required. We make
ourselves ready by our total openness to embrace the New and True and
by our complete commitment to becoming True Core Beings. If we're
still holding onto the baggage of the past or to an armload of
expired elements and attitudes, we might miss it. However, if we are
already traveling on the Express Trains into the New, our chances of
experiencing a Major Intersection are really good.
Encountering a Major Intersection is a mega life changing event. When
it happens, nothing will ever be the same. Suddenly the deck of cards
that we're holding will be a very different one, with lots of new
cards that we never knew existed. When this happens, it will require
a total reconfiguring of every single element of our lives. Our
previous priorities will immediately dissolve and new, truer ones
will take their place. Much of the remaining scaffolding over our
hearts will fall away and we will be plunged deeper into the Lotus
And please don't be upset if it doesn't happen to you this month.
More Major Intersections will be occurring in December....
November positions us on the runway for our takeoff at the end of
December. Our planes load up their passengers, rev up their engines
and get ready to fly off into the New. By the end of the year at the
latest, our New Direction will be totally clear.
Because November is such a potent month, we need to remain totally
open for any hints, clues and connections coming from our New Lives.
The massive Tsunamis of Change are creating numerous openings for the
New to enter. If we receive any Wild Card ideas coming in from out of
the blue, we should follow up on them, as unpractical and unpinned as
they may seem. Most of the time, they will actually work out
brilliantly. We need to be prepared to shift directions on a moment's
notice. Go for what you really want, rather than for what you think
you can get.
Currently, some people are needing to backtrack into their old lives,
old patterns, old mastery and old ways of being before they can
totally let them go. This is all right as long as you don't linger
there for long. As soon as you can muster the strength and courage,
let them go and move forward decisively.
Some are so enmeshed in old situations that they don't see a way out.
You are receiving your final warnings that it's time to let go of
past behaviors. Please don't ignore them. The stakes are huge and you
don't want to get stuck. There's always a way out; it's decisive
action in following what you know to be true.
Others are thinking that they've found their New Lives and One True
Loves, only to have them quickly fall apart. This is happening
because we first have to get ourselves onto the New Matrix. Yes, the
energies are present to find our New Lives and New Loves, but if we
haven't put the effort into becoming a True Core Being, anything less
than that will fall away.
Beyond a doubt, this is one of the most critical MAKE or BREAK times
that we have ever experienced. Absolutely everything is on the line.
It's a time that requires a whole new level of commitment. From now
until the end of the year, we are setting the templates for our
Because of this, it's essential that we aim ourselves into our truest
direction. For if we continue to compromise ourselves by staying in
expired situations, relationships, jobs, friendships, activities,
attitudes and patterns, we may get very stuck. By choosing the tired
security of the old, we might miss the immense promise of the Golden
Opportunities that are on their way to us.
The level that we stand on at the beginning of 2008 will determine
our future experiences for a whole new cycle. Because of this,
important decisions need to be made that will directly impact our
future directions.
I'm still rowing....
With Huge Lotus Heart Core LOVE,
PS. I will be traveling into the Unknown for the entire month of
so the Surf Updates will be sent out whenever I get a chance.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
The Year 2007 Surf Report: Beyond our Wildest Dreams
The 8th Gate Activation: Awakening the Lotus Heart - Entering the
Lotus World
Our new Support the 11:11 webpage.
It's now time to share the responsibility for our One Being.
There are many ways you can help.
Copyright Solara 2007
All Rights Reserved
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