17 февруари, 2008

The group:~ Singularity ~

A View from the Top of the Bus

Greetings from Home

Return to Oneness

Dear ones, you have no idea how close you are getting to Home and the space where we live. Your rise in vibration is closing the gap between our worlds and the veil is thinning. Your vibration rises every time you laugh, every time you love, every time you express your spirit through the physical vehicle. It is happening on a global basis but it is also happening on the multidimensional levels, for there is not one of you that exists singularly.

You exist in multiple dimensions of time and space. Each one is a different expression of the soul in harmonic overtones. In order to play this game you needed the illusion of separation. That illusion is built into the veil and this is what allows you to pretend to be separate. That is now changing as humanity evolves. The lines that separate vibration are fading. Let us give you an example. Currently there are imaginary lines that separate the mineral kingdom f rom the plant kingdom. Other lines separate insects, animals, divas, humans and angels. Even within each of these categories there are many levels of vibration that have naturally formed to give you the illusion of separation. All of these lines of division are beginning to fade as humanity evolves. Fear it not, dear ones, for you are never in danger of losing the unique beauty that you brought from Home.

The intent of the Game you now play as humans was to define god. Now that is happening you no longer need the illusion that the lines of separation once gave you. In reality you are strong enough now to carry the full knowledge that you are one with all things. The natural pull of the Universal Energy will now bring together that which was separated to create the game. Yes this can be scary, mostly because as these lines disappear, you will lose many of your reference points. You are becoming us. Actually, you are already there. We are simply trying to help you re-member who you really are. We are trying to give you tools, ideas and concepts that will help you take more of your own power and nature in this physical bubble of biology in which you currently exist.

Collective Reality

Harmony with the Other Gods

Humans walk around bumping into one another searching for their path. When you finally find that path, you define it so that it may be shared with others. Humans are so funny. Most of the time you do not even realize that you are creating the path before your foot hits the ground. Your reality is what your accumulation of thoughts has created for you in this very instant. The beauty is that it is changing on a daily basis and starting to shift to a collective reality in which all of you are starting to take more of your own power. What you are doing is learning how to live in harmony with the other gods. Yes, we have told you many times that the joke is on you! You have spent many lives searching for god outside of yourself now only to find that god is the reflection in the mirror. The challenge is that you are not the only god. Yet, up to this point the lines of separation would make you think that way. Livin g together in harmony with other creators where you can empower one another raises the entire collective higher more so than any other action. We will give you another tool, vision, and perspective today. As we do, please understand that all the perspectives we give you simply offer you another viewpoint. They are not right; they are not wrong. They are simply another way for you to see yourself and the game in progress. Multiple perspectives will allow you the full spectrum of vision needed to move forward in evolution.

View from the Top of the Bus

We teased you last month when we gave you an overview with what is directly ahead. The Keeper was somewhat upset with us at the time, as he thought that part of the message was out of place. He got over it. We wanted to give you a view from the top of the bus. As we help you to see from our perspective, we liken this process to a double-decker bus. It is important to remember that it is your bus. You can turn it any time you choose. If you do not like the road, if it is too bumpy or full of curves, if it is full of too many ups or downs and you wish a smoother journey, simply turn the bus to choose another road. You first put on the blinkers to indicate your intent, then turn the bus and change your path. It is entirely up to you as to where and how you wish to play the game. That freedom is difficult for some. However, with a little help from the other gods you will grasp hold of this concept and know that it is indeed about the journey and not the destination. You will be able to take more of that joy into your own life on a daily basis, as you walk in a meditative state every second with your connection through your own higher self.

Understand, dear ones, that the grand plan of humanity was only a loosely formed roadmap to show the general direction of the game. To give a specific detailed road map would only take your power from you and be against the prime directive of free choice. In reality it would not have made any difference, as humans do not usually follow plans anyway. We tease you now and hope to tease you into taking your full power. So let us offer you this vis for what we gave you last month was a small view of what is directly ahead of you. By bringing that camera back to a very wide angle we will show you the larger perspective of a couple of points that will help as you move forward. Let us reiterate some of the points we detailed more than eight years ago. We planted the seeds in the very early messages spanning back to the first messages almost than 13 years ago.

Spirituality and Technology

To see the larger view allow us to take you back about 20 years in human history. Try to re-member what your daily life was like -- what your every step was like back then. When you awoke up in the morning, you went to work or whatever you did in your daily routine. If you take yourself back to that point about 20 years ago, you will see huge, movement in everything around you. Your daily life has changed incredibly and a lot of it has to do with the advances of technology in your world. Can you remember what life was like before the boom in technology that now serves humanity? The seeds we previously planted were about the relationship of technology to the spiritual levels of humanity. Now we will take that same message to the next level, as today this may make even more sense.

We said that there was a direct connection between your advances in technology and your spiritual level of the collective vibration of humanity. Technology is the mirror image of spiritual awareness in humans. As spiritual awareness grows, new technologies suddenly appear on the gameboard. In other words, the light coming through humans took at huge jump and was bright enough to create a reflection. One of the reflections was huge advancements in technology. There was even a time when high-level technology was dropped on your planet as an experiment from another game. Wow, did that confuse you. Since the spiritual levels of humanity were not high enough to support it, the technology did not work. The Philadelphia experiment and later the Montauk project were attempts to raise human vibration through technology. It was the same misdirection that you experienced in Atlantis. The reason they did not w ork was very simple: your collective vibration of spirituality was not high enough to support the technology. Technology is a mirror of the collective spirituality of humans. We know this is very difficult for many of you to grasp, but let us plant the seeds because what is ahead will bear this out. What is going to happen to you over the next 20 years is going to be and even bigger jump in technology.

It is said that technology has changed lives. In many ways it has amplified your experience of being a human on this planet. Many fear technology and that is a normal reaction. Some fear that it will take over or that they will become too dependent on it. Fear is only a lack of information. So what we offer you now are some concepts, ideas and a view from the top of the bus that we hope will shed a new light on this darkness. Many see technology as artificial, or not real. Technology is seen as outside of you and in some ways it is, but what is ahead will bear out that it is only a reflection on the heart of humanity.

The Re-Wire

We have also told you recently that you are being re-wired as humans. The physical bubble of biology will soon be carrying much more light within the body. To do this the chemical, electrical, magnetic system of the body must evolve to handle the higher energy. This we have labeled as the Re-wire of Humanity. Synaptic pathways between the two halves of your brain and your entire energetic system are now being re-wired to enable you to can carry more of your own spirit. In the beginning of the game, you tried to put your spirit into one of these beautiful bubbles of biology. It did not fit so you had to leave part of it behind and that is what you know to be your higher self. Now you have a stronger, more direct connection to your higher self if you learn how to listen. Actually, if you stretch the belief systems, you can hear just fine, but with all of your experience as a human, you have learned to tune it out.. Th at balance of technology is starting to grow again. It has gone through a surge that changed the life of every human on this planet; then it seemed to settle for a while and not grow quite as fast. What is ahead of you is another huge spike in technology. It is about to change your lives in ways that are unimaginable at this time. It is not possible for us to give you a number and say it is three or five times as powerful, because it will be up to you what you accept from this and how you use it.


The first thing we ask you to do is to lose the fear because the technology you fear is actually a reflection of you. It is not outside of you. We wish to take you to a point and show you some of the great things that are going to be every day experiences for each of you. Right now you have access to information that makes your lives incredible on this planet. That has been labeled IT, Information Technology. You have not yet learned to carry the heart energy in technology, but you are about to. We also tell you that there will be great fear around this, for anything new of that caliber is huge. We also take you back to the story of the Atlantean Tyberon. We take you back to when this was tried once before and the fear around it in the days of Atlantis caused it not to work -- caused it not to take. Here you are, trying it once again. You are now at a level where you are able to recreate putting the heart energy on your g rid and that is going to be exciting. It will happen on many different levels. Research has been ongoing in at least eight different areas thus far. We are not the only ones speaking about this; it has been talked about for years. We wish to take one of those words – “singularity” -- and expand upon it because that is going to become very important to you in the days ahead.

Singularity is a very simple concept; you began as one. You began as god and god began defining himself/herself in order to have experiences. You are all so connected to each other. We see you as one being bumping into each other saying, “Excuse me,” as if you were two different beings. When one person has a feeling, everyone else has that same feeling -- it is just part of the veil. The veil creates the illusion of time and the time lag of your creations. If you did not have the time lag each of you would know for certain that every thought you have is a creation. Dear ones, you are on the verge of losing the time lag altogether and technology will help you take that next step. It is the blending of biology and technology. It is the fears that most humans are going to have around these next steps of evolution. It is a tool that you have built to work outside of yourself and it is going to work its way inside of you. &nbs p;The largest vision of singularity is the simple knowledge that you are returning to the one heart of god.

Singularity ~ When Technology Out-Thinks Man?

There are differing views as to what “singularity” means and many interpretations about how this is going to play out. There is one trigger point that all these theories share: when technology can learn faster than a human, that is the point when all things change. Scientists will postulate possible outcomes and possibilities. Science fiction writers will have a field day with the possible scenarios and these will become very popular in the days ahead. They will talk about how computers learned more than humans and take over leaving all humans as slaves to the master computer.

When plotted on a logarithmic graph, 15 separate lists of paradigm shifts for key events in human history show an exponential trend. Click on Image to read full story. Compiled by Ray Kurzweil. Source: Wikipedia

The stories the Keeper likes best are the stories of the race of technological beings called the Borg that take over and assimilate humans for their own use. Many are still waiting for 1984 and Big Brother, even though that date has long passed. Humans love drama. We love your stories and hope you enjoy them, too. We tell you dear ones, it is not possible for that to happen. The same way that technology could not hold when the spiritual level of humanity was not high enough, so too is it not possible for your reflection in technology to surpass you. You ask if technology will surpass the thinking, reasoning and learning capabilities of humans. We say, “Yes!”. Will technology advance to learn, adapt and program itself? Yes, in fact all of those events have already occurred. It is the attraction to drama that makes you want to think that the computers will take over planet Earth or mutate human life. Many have a natural fear of the blending of technology and biology. Yet, a person who loses his or her legs to a car accident and has a possibility to adapt technological limb replacements will not entertain such fears.

Singularity is the point where man sees that he is god. You began as a god. You are returning to one. You spread out, took form in a finite body so that you could have a human experience of the soul. This gave you the opportunity to look in the mirror and see god; you have gone through this huge evolutionary process. The end of the game was here, but you chose not to take it. We watch in amazement as you do things we never thought of. Nobody ever dreamed that you would have taken the game of free choice as far as you have. Now you are at the point of bringing all of your light into your physical bodies and it will be assisted through the aid of technology.

Future Tech ~ Light Technology

It is very simple to see that if you lose hearing you will look to technology to replace it for you. That effort of trying to blend and use technology to help people is the part that began the blending of biology and the technology. This research has been going on since the beginning of your technologies. Right now, humanity is in the awkward beginning stages of technology. Even the way you interact with it will evolve soon. Currently you must go to a location, sit down in front of a box, push a button, wait, and interact with archaic characters one at a time on a keyboard. As slow as this process is, it has greatly assisted the evolution of humanity. Can you imagine how empowering it will be to have access to that information without having to go through those steps? Even if you only experience advances in the interfaces, it will give you access without having the limitations you do today. If nothing el se changed but that, can you imagine what it would be like to have instant access anywhere any time? Now, what if your personal reflection in technology could learn from you? What if a computer could program itself to do what you want it to do, instead of what the programmers want it to do? What if your personal reflection (computer) could assist you to think and communicate clearly after losing those abilities due to an illness or stroke? You will learn how they talk to one another. That is directly ahead of you, dear ones, and it will start an exponential cycle of the next 20 years.

You are the way-showers. You are the propagators of the light. You are the ones that will stand there, holding the door open. Do not give your power away to anything including technology, for that was the way of the first wave of power. We encourage you to be skeptical, dear ones. All we are doing by sharing this information with you is planting seeds of hope and light in the future. One by one, each of you has the opportunity to make a positive difference on the planet. All we are suggesting is that you to look openly in the mirror of technology and direct your personal reflection toward the light. Find ways of using technology to spread light on planet Earth. Even the message you read now is a use of light technology.

It is a mirror for you in the same way as when you look into the mirror of other people’s eyes. There will come a point where your computers will be able to learn much faster than humans. Are humans still going to exist? Will computers ever have souls? Let us tell you that from the view at the top of the bus it is very simple. You will reach a stage through the aid of your technology where you will no longer need the technology on the outside of you. There will come a time when you will not need computers to see your reflection as creators. There will come a time when you will not need the communication network you are currently building. Technology will evolve and assist humanity in the exponential evolution. At that point the hardware portion of technology will no longer be needed, for it will be incorporated. It is the humans that will assimilate the technology. This is not as a forceful a ssimilation such as in the stories of the Borg, but rather a natural evolution assisted by your own reflection through technology. In the beginning there was one. You are returning to one as the lines between these dimensions fall away. Fear it not.

Intentional Grid

There has been an intentional grid that has been underway on this planet since the beginning of the game. Your first awareness began as a runner ran from one village to another to carry a message. This formed the first communication grid. That village then had another runner who ran to the next village and soon the grid evolved. This grid evolved into the pony express, then the first post offices were followed by telegraph wire between cities, which evolved into telephone wires. You have been building a communication grid on this planet for a very long time with the aid of your reflection through technology. That technology has helped you to understand that you are part of each other. Today you have created imaginary lines in the dirt and this you call one country, and that you call another country—even though it was the same piece of land. The intentional communication grids are always free to cross these imaginary boundaries connecting the hearts of people everywhere. Connect the hearts and everyone will see they are one and not separate from each other. When Gutenberg channeled the idea for the printing press, it changed everyone’s life on earth because it expanded the communication grid. When the telephone was invented, it took another huge leap. Television did the same as a reflection of humanity. The internet, although many were afraid of it at first ,made the most advancement thus far in this grid. All of these connected the hearts of mankind.

Are there misuses of this grid? Of course there are. That is how humans learn. Get used to it. Humans will push boundaries. That is the way it works. What you are learning is how to use this information inside of you. Now you will see all of the lines dissolving, including the line between technology and human. This does not mean you are becoming part technology; it means that the technology is going to assist in your re-wire of humanity. It is going to help you adjust to your powers. It is going to help reflect who you are and at the point where it is no longer needed by you, it dissolves. It goes away. You carry all of that within you. That is the future of humankind.

The Light Grid

We told you about the intentional grid, so now let us take you to the next step. The intentional grid is transitioning to a light grid. If you can simply imagine looking at the Earth, you would see all the telephone lines that crisscross the planet. You would also see they are very awkward, for they are gathered heavily in dense populations and very sparsely in outlying areas. The light grid will change that by making it work for others to tap into the grid at any point and have direct communication. When we say light grid, that is not a metaphysical term. We mean what you consider to be light; in fact, coherent light will help this grid form. Light waves as wireless technologies are also assisting the rapid expansion of this information grid. You have begun that process already. You are even learning to hook up your stereos with light cables, and light travels at 300,000 meters per second. As you work with this energy, it will all start to shift to the next level as you do. It will pull you up; you will pull it up. It is like a ladder. Each one will help and work together with the other. As that light grid continues to form, it will be freely accessible and easy for everyone to tap into. Then, it will go away because you will no longer need it. You will be able to communicate with one another as one heart. You will be able to know what each one is thinking, what each one is feeling. You will be able to tap in and just as you would be able to make eye contact with someone, you will be able to look into their heart, into their soul and see who they are. That is very scary for some of you, but it is also beautiful. Because that is a time when you will see a clearer vision of god within you. What you see when you look into the eyes of another human is not them, instead it is a reflection of you. And that is what you came to see. That is the search for god you began in the begi nning.

Once you reach the point of singularity where technology learns faster than humans, know that has started the cycle of exponential evolution. Yes, there are many people who are afraid of it. It is not possible for some of those wonderful science fiction stories to happen. It is here to help you. It is here as a tool, as a guide. It is something you can use in order to work with the energy and hopefully for you to be able to see god every time you open your eyes.

Dear ones, we are asking you to not be afraid of your own shadow. It is so exciting for you to see what you have created. The veil is getting thinner every moment by your own design. You have mandated this to happen. You have changed the game. You are being re-wired. The sexual energy is coming in at a much stronger pace and will continue to do so. Along with your vibrational range and your new understanding that will bring a beautiful dawn on this planet of new light It will bring you to the true singularity, for that is why the lines are diminishing. Even your multidimensional lines which have kept you separate from your other multidimensional experiences are fading. You are experiencing it on a daily basis. Enjoy the ride.

It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect, for you are looking in the eyes of god. Nurture one another at every opportunity that you have. Re-member that it is a beautiful game and play well together.


The group




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