07 февруари, 2008


News Letter #208


5th February, 2008

Message from Maitreya:

I was recently asked about channels who many feel do not truly channel but speak from Self or ego. What should people do about them? I said, "Nothing." Why do nothing? Because you cannot tell someone a person is not a channel. They have to find out for themselves by the person’s actions and by what they ask you to do. You see, we would never demand that you give us allegiance. You have to make the choice with what it is reputed that Jesus said, "By their fruits shall ye know them." This is exactly how a channel should be — they let YOU make up your mind. Yes, we can tell you if what you plan is the right thing to do, but we can never insist that you do a particular thing, and if you are told this by someone, then do think again about that channel, for we in our world do not dictate anything to you.

We know that choice is very important, and every soul has to have choice. I remember my channel being upset many years ago over a person who professed to be channeling me and who sent her death threats and postcards with dire warnings. At one public speech in Australia, he paced outside the door cursing her and chanting words which he said came from me. I told her, "Give it no energy." When she did so, the postcards and death threats stopped.

We Masters from the realm of spirit are with you to assist you IF YOU ARE SEARCHING FOR CHANGE. We cannot force you — neither would we want to — to make any change outside of yourself. You are the creator of your own reality and often from making the WRONG choices you learn your hardest lessons.

A channel should have a sense of humor. We are not serious and dire; we have fun in our world, and channels should be able to mirror that fun to others. We do not choose dour, sad channels. Their hearts should be open. Do they think only of themselves or do they think of others and care for others? Do they demand payment even when they know the soul cannot afford it, or even more so, do they refuse a service when needed in a dire way because the soul does not have money? Will they not even look at an exchange of energy rather than financial reward? How does the channel earn their money? Do their Masters give them the money as we have done to Margaret via many means, or do they demand the money from you? If a channel is truly working with a Master, that Master will take care of their every need.

I cannot tell you who is real and who is not real. I can only tell you to be discerning and also not to be concerned if the channel you choose turns out to be someone you realize is not for you or is not doing it the “right” way. My channel once went to a healer at a healing center and felt he was a fraud, charging too much money for what he did. When I came into her life she said to me, "Master why did you send me to that healer?" I replied, "I did not send you. None of us sent you, but you made the choice to go." Ironically, it was the right choice because you learned a lot, and you learned how NOT to run a healing center.” From every experience comes a lesson. Just know that. There is no right or wrong, just learning.






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