29 февруари, 2008

Selacia and The Council of 12:March 2008 :Creating the New

Messages from The Council of 12
Transmitted through Selacia -- March 2008

(We appreciate your sharing these messages with friends, and posting to your newsgroups and websites. May you be blessed and walk with grace!)

The form of how humans live, work and love is changing. You and others like you are changing it, step-by-step as you make new choices about how you want to exist on your planet. Old outmoded ways of being are shaky and crumbling, for today's energies will no longer support them.

Some of the changes you are likely welcoming, just as you would a sunny day after a long winter. You may feel that you have waited your whole life for the great shifting that is now underway. Perhaps you often wish the changes would come more quickly and with less disruption. You are not alone in these responses, for your comrades on the path of spiritual awakening also feel these things.

You now know that time-in human linear terms-has been speeded up, and with that accelerated pace, it is understandable that you often feel "behind schedule." When you feel "behind," it is helpful to remember there is a bigger picture than you can see with your human physical eyes.

There is a momentum building, fueled by an awakening process that began before you were born. You and other humans like you have been evolving in consciousness over a period of lifetimes. Many people are beginning to wake up to the truth that they are really spiritual beings living in human bodies. There is a great hunger within people to know what this really means and how
it applies in the life of an everyday human.

Questions on the Path of Awakening

Have you ever wondered why, if you are really Divine, you are unable to regularly access and express your spiritual gifts? Do you ever question why some people, seemingly no more spiritually advanced than you, are now succeeding in doing their soul's work in the world? Feeling unsuccessful yourself, do you compare yourself to them, questioning whether you are doing something wrong? Have you had moments of feeling a victim of outside forces beyond your control? After receiving intuitive nudges about a "new direction" for your work or life path, have you ever allowed self-doubt to keep you in a holding pattern?

These are typical responses during these times of massive change. If you personally relate to any of them, realize that this is normal. Your conditioning, over a period of lifetimes, has led you into forgetfulness. You forgot that your essence is pure.

You learned to associate reality chiefly with your body and physicality. You forgot that your Earthly form was only a tiny portion of the "you" that really exists. You learned to view time in terms of your age and lifespan on Earth, forgetting that you as a spiritual being are eternal and without end.

As part of that, you developed a short-term view of spiritual progression. Instead of feeling gratitude for being birthed into life conditions allowing time for reflection and study, you became impatient and wanted things quickly. You forgot that your earlier progress on the path, achieved in past lives, provided the seed for the fortunate set of circumstances you enjoy this life. A great majority of the world's current population was born into life focused at the survival level. For these people, pursuit of spiritual studies and personal growth is a luxury not available. You may sometimes think of yourself as just surviving, yet compared with most of humanity, you are very rich.

When you have a long-term view of your spiritual progression, you can develop gratitude for what you have manifested this life. Similarly, knowing that how you live your life this time has great impact on your next incarnations, you can be inspired to do your best even in challenging circumstances.

Nearly everyone can feel inspired some of the time. During tough times, however, accessing and maintaining a sense of inspiration can seem difficult or almost impossible. This is especially true if you forget that you alone can create the inspirational fuel needed for real progress. You can be inspired by forces seemingly outside yourself, yet it is up to you to put this inspiration into action in your life.

The learned tendency, however, is to give one's power of creation away to others. This learning has been perpetuated over so many human generations that people now tend to look to outside leaders and phenomena for inspiration. If something they want is not happening for them, they blame others. This approach has become the habitual way to be. People living this way have forgotten just how powerful they really are.

Things Humans Forgot

What else did you forget?

You forgot about how universal laws of energy work. These cosmic laws include the power of thought, the energy of creation. Without mastery of your thoughts-both conscious and subconscious-you cannot be fully enlightened. To the extent that you learn to master your thoughts, you begin to create with a beneficial force that accelerates your enlightenment process.

To be sure, this beneficial force also positively impacts your health, your relationships, your work, and a multitude of other things too numerous to count. The more that you can learn to master your own mind, the happier and healthier you can be.

A key element in the mastery of thought is emotional intelligence. This is because of the inseparable link between thoughts and emotions. If you have well-developed emotional skills, you will be better able to tame your mind, preventing negative self-talk from manifesting into actions that hurt self and others. To become skilled with your emotions, you will first need to understand what you feel and what triggers those feelings. This not always an easy task, especially if you have become accustomed to burying or ignoring painful feelings.

Emotions, in themselves, are not negative but a natural part of being human. It is how you manage your emotions that counts. Everyone gets angry sometimes. It is what you do with your anger that will impact your spiritual progress and happiness. Besides anger, what are some of the other troublesome emotions?

Some of the key troublesome feeling states common to humankind:

The more out-of-control your responses to troublesome emotions, the less power you will have in your life. The key is balance and intelligent response. As you become skilled in working with your own feelings, you will also need to become adept in sensing and responding to the emotions of others. That includes your interactions with those who on the surface appear quite unemotional. Some of these people may even boast about having no emotions or emotional challenges, as though it were true.

Emotional intelligence involves becoming skilled in responding to your own and others' emotions. Remember that it is an illusion to think you are separate from other people. Even if it appears that you exist in your own bubble of energy, your bubble coexists and connects with the energetic bubbles of all life around you. Your own progression is directly linked to how these energies play out. Your power comes from remembering this and responding appropriately on a regular basis.

Common Misconceptions

Today you will hear of an increasing number of secrets of how energy and manifestation function. The law of attraction is one example. Even though these secrets have been around for a very long time, the masses were not ready to hear about them. There was not sufficient consciousness in the world to give these principles appropriate context.

Now these ideas are readily welcomed by growing numbers of people. Still, there is a learning curve in mastering a skillful application of these secrets.

For many, there is wonderment about how such simple concepts could be hidden for so long. Certainly, most truths about how things work are based on quite simple ideas.

It is a common misconception to think that applying a universal law is as simple as the principle behind it. Take the law of attraction. If all you needed to do was focus your attention on what you wanted to manifest-and you did that-how do you explain mixed results or even opposite results of what you intended? What is going on?

Example: Visualizing a Specific Life Partner

Imagine that you decide to work with the law of attraction to manifest a particular soul mate. You have a very specific person in mind, and you begin visualizing that this person is your committed life partner. As you do this, the following are some useful things to understand.

First, belief systems you carry in your DNA will impact your ability to manifest what you say you want. Since beliefs reside in the subconscious mind outside ordinary view, chances are that you hold at least some belief systems that run counter to what you are visualizing. You do not know this, or you would not put so much effort into visualizing before you cleared the beliefs from your DNA. Instead, you spend considerable time visualizing a specific person manifesting as your soul mate.

Simultaneously and without your awareness, you hold limiting beliefs about love and finding love. A majority of people on the planet carry these, so you are in good company. For all you know, the object of your soul mate fantasy carries some of the same limiting beliefs about love that you do. Two people coming together in intimate relationship are impacted by the belief systems each of them have. What you do not know now can lead to disappointment later.

Second, universal laws co-exist in tandem with each other. You cannot ignore some and work with others and expect to have the results you want. Let's say you desire a specific life partner. Perhaps you fantasize about this person, visualizing them as your mate. This person may not be ready for a relationship with you, or with anyone. Perhaps they are even married to someone else.

If you ignore the law of noninterference and persist with visualizing this person as your mate, you will not be operating in alignment with the highest good. Therefore, since the law of cause and effect also applies, you will create negative consequences for yourself in some future time. You will eventually feel the boomerang effect of these choices, although you may not connect the dots to discern your role.

Third, without taming your emotions, you run the risk that unchecked feelings such as anger could trigger self-sabotage and block you from manifesting your life partner. You may be quite skilled at visualizing your life partner, consistently focusing on the specific person coming into your life.

On some days, though, you become angry that the manifestation is taking so long. Your anger, when not worked with intelligently, can trigger a host of negative thoughts within your mind. As an example, you may start to question whether you are worthy of this person. Or you may go on attack mode, judging this other person as being somehow insufficient or wrong. These negative thoughts are a poison that will eat away at the dream you have visualized.

Skills for Creating the New

To be skillful in creating the changes you seek, you will need to work with, not against, universal laws. You will need to become more aware of how energy works, not only within your own body and energy field but between you and your world. You can consider this in two categories:

*Your own energy-your physical body, your mind, your emotions, and your connection to spirit

*Your energy that interacts with other people and the physical world-the interchange between you and the people and things in your environment

The more that you can become awake to these energy flows, the easier it will be to consciously shift yourself into balance. After all, you cannot change something in your energy system if you are unaware that it needs attention. Awareness of imbalances can lead you to fruitful investigations of the solutions that will be most appropriate for you. Then, as you learn to intuitively apply these solutions, you can facilitate the healing you need. Remember that even if the ideal solutions include help from a healer or other source, it will still be you who applies the remedy to shift yourself back into balance.

Guidelines for Managing Your Energy

The following are some guidelines to help you better manage your energy. You may want to review these regularly, as well as any time you feel that you have gotten out of balance.

Your physical body is a sacred container for your soul's experiences on the Earth plane.

Nutrients-Consider your diet and whether you are giving your body enough nutritious foods and pure water. Learn to become skilled in giving yourself intuitive physical readings to determine what nutrients are best for you. Your own body is your best resource for this information. Nutrient needs can fluctuate widely depending on a host of factors individual to you. If you honor your body by giving it the specific nutrients it requires, it will serve you well.

Movement-How much exercise, and what type, is ideal for you? What happens to your energy level when you forget or neglect this exercise? Can you find some ways to make your exercise time more fun? Have you thought of partnering with an exercise buddy to make it more enjoyable? Consider experimenting with some moderate forms of exercise to discover or rediscover the types that work best for you. Then take steps to incorporate these into your routine.

Rest-When your body has adequate rest, you will have more energy for the activities of your life. A rested body helps your mind, too. Your mind will be able to function with more alertness, less emotional upheaval, greater creativity, and increased intuitiveness. Are you honoring your needs for rest, downtime, and sleep? If not, consider what you can do to allow for these needs.

Your mind produces all sorts of thoughts, and these thoughts will determine what you experience.

Thoughts-Your thoughts are real. They have energy within them. Each thought carries a vibration. To master your human reality, it is essential to become adept at working with your mind. Set your intention to become more watchful of your own thoughts, including those you think silently to yourself and those you express out loud to others.

Notice how much of the time you focus on low-vibration, fear-based thoughts involving worry, lack, and anger about something in your past. Fear does not come from outside of you, but is generated within your own mind. If you dislike something about your life experience, become determined to get to the root cause buried within your own limiting thought patterns.

These thought patterns, also known as belief systems, are carried within your DNA. Beliefs are created when a meaning is given to something. Sometimes it was you who assigned the meaning as a result of a life experience. Other times, it was a member of your lineage who did so, and the meaning-connected belief was passed on to you in your DNA. In other cases, the meaning-connected belief was born out of the powerful field of humanity's mass consciousness, and you took it on as your own.

Begin changing these patterns and you can change your life. To do so, you must first change your mind about your mind. Instead of allowing your mind to carry you forward like a wild horse, you can decide to tame it. You can learn to tame your mind, and to train it to work for your highest good.

Your emotions are integral to managing your energy in an intelligent way.

Emotions-Get into the habit of checking in with your own feelings. As much as possible, do this in present time. When you can begin noticing how you feel, when you feel it, you can develop discernment in emotional response.

On a regular basis-daily if not weekly-reflect on your life and how you have responded to key troublesome emotions. Let go of any self-judgment during this process, remembering that everyone has challenges with feelings. For starters, consider what you do with feelings of anger, doubt, fear, and resentment. Through self-observation, you can become skilled in recognizing which emotions tend to get you off balance, and which emotions are most dominant in your experience.

Your connection to spirit is the vital ingredient needed to master your own energy.

To manage your own energy skillfully, you will need to incorporate spirit into your life. You are a physical being, of course. Yet your true nature is spirit and without form. When you live as though spirit mattered, it is not about religion. It relates to accessing your own deeper wisdom, and bringing the Divine into your physicality in a tangible way.

Your life is full of deadlines. Even so, you will respond to those deadlines with a higher resonance and more success when you access your inner knowing. It may seem as though you do not have time to sit still and listen to the voice of spirit within you. However, the treasure to be found by doing so will allow you to move through your troubles much more quickly.

The more fully you develop your intuitive knowing, the more Light you will be able to express in the world. When you are facing a personal crisis, your intuition and connection with spirit can guide you safely through the minefield of difficulties.

Your energy that interacts with others is a direct reflection of your own consciousness. Learning to manage this energy flow, therefore, begins with a more intimate understanding of you. The more self-awareness you develop, the more that you can master your responses to the people and situations of your life.

The following are a few tools that can be helpful here. Consider the example of how you are troubled by interactions with someone you see often. First, when someone consistently pushes your buttons, decide that you will discover a more positive way to respond. Making that decision is an important step in reclaiming your power. Remembering that you have a choice of how to respond is liberating.

Second, pay attention to your thoughts and emotions, receiving clues about the pattern being triggered within you.

Third, approach yourself gently and patiently. Issues such as self-doubt, for example, involve a complex set of internal causes. Know that if you continue to be plagued by self-doubt when interacting with someone, it simply means that you have not eliminated all internal causes.

Fourth, open your mind to the possibility that you have a blind spot. Being unaware of something you have not yet discovered is not the same as being stupid. Make that distinction, and let go of your self-reprimanding.

Fifth, set your intention to leave no stone unturned as you investigate your pattern. As part of that, let go of demanding to know how many stones lay on top of your issue, hiding it from your view. Remind yourself that you may not see all the stones at once, but that when you do notice a stone, you will fearlessly address it. Decide that you will act with perseverance, continuing your efforts until the very last stone has been removed.

Sixth, remember throughout this process to put your trust in spirit and your own intuitive wisdom. Allow the beneficial force of spirit to guide you and help accelerate your learning.

Seventh, be willing to view the person pushing your buttons as a gift from the Divine. Let yourself see the person through the eyes of gratitude. When you can be grateful to those who cause you pain, you can soften the sting of the pain. Seeing the person as your teacher helps connect you with an ability to respond to them with your Light.

As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.

Copyright 2008 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12 * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com




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