11 февруари, 2008

Soul Transitions February 2008 Vibe Report


It is with gentle respect that we greet you this day. We wish for you to find comfort and inspiration from these words.

The high vibrational frequency has pulled many of you up and as you integrate the energies you may feel disoriented. The familiar is no longer comfortable, or familiar. If there is a feeling of disorientation, be patient as so much is changing, shifting and reorganizing. We see some of you as sitting on top of a spiraling force of energy – like a geyser. Sitting on top of this energy waiting for a connection to be made that will present a pathway for you to step out upon. Many have already made the commitment to their pathways of Light and are now sitting in a place of suspension. Please know this will shift. Trust and patience are called for. You have taken in the high vibrational energies, made a commitment to your path, intend your service to the One and are now waiting for the vibrations to rise to meet where you are, creating new pathways and connections so you can step you’re your role in service. Perhaps you have simply arrived early for the party! What you can do is to align with your heart and reach up to find the connection with your soul. This will bring about a further alignment to your soul purpose. There also may be one last thing you need to do – some shift, something you need to release before stepping onto the pathway.

If you find there is something that is haunting you, something you did in the past that you feel is wrong, the first step to freedom is to acknowledge the feeling and allow humility to burn away the shame. This will open your compassionate heart which can lead to forgiveness and acceptance. The next step to freedom is to make amends to those involved. The most powerful way is to speak to the person or persons involved. How they respond isn’t your business. As long as you are coming from your compassionate heart, from a place of truth and love, you will be taking a step towards freedom from the past. Sometimes the only way to do so is through prayer and through sending love out from your heart to whomever is involved in the story. Just as it is impossible to stay in jobs and relationships that no longer (or perhaps never did) harmonize with your soul, it is impossible for you to deny actions that you feel unrest about. You cannot sweep anything under the rug anymore.

The energy is gathering and expanding. All is opening into a new alignment. The old is still falling away—attachments to the old, the past, are being released and feelings of disconnection, unrest and disorientation are a result of the release. You are beginning to truly know yourself as multidimensional beings as you realize you are more than the stories you have told yourself, you are more than your remembered life experiences. Let go of what you think of as yourself and your stories and open to receive further information. This is a time of trust and inner knowing. Trust and connect to your soul.

Some people are feeling like they’re on the edge – they can no longer tolerate the discordant energies that they’ve been ignoring for years. They feel poised for a great change. Trust, you are ready for that change. So many people are realigning with new ventures and taking off on their new pathways.

As we begin to follow our hearts and our purpose instead of staying in survival mode, depression will begin to lift. Be patient if this isn’t happening to you yet. It is now virtually impossible to stay in work situations and relationships that make us feel miserable – that are not aligned with our highest, truest path and purpose. As you begin to follow the energy as to what your purpose is – what brings you excitement, energy, happiness and a feeling of contributing something valuable to humanity – you will become busy with this new energy – one thing will lead to another – the pathway will unfold – synchronicity will be all around you – you won’t have time for anxiety or depression. You will come to a point and suddenly look back and realize that you feel different.

As we continue advancing into higher vibrating energies, it is vitally important not to listen to the negative inner voice that comes up with reasons why you can’t do what you want to do. Banish that voice! It is a lie, and it is also an empty, old habit. It is time to let it go.

The Creator is sending waves of love throughout this Universe. You may feel the surges especially at night or in the morning when you’re laying in your beds. It may feel like shaking inside of you – as if there’s an earth tremor, but it is within you. This is the quickening. This is the energy rising. Enjoy it! Breathe it in. Your body is taking on a higher vibration and you can help it, accelerate it by really feeling it, breathing into it and smiling. Allow it in. It feels delicious. You may also feel physically cold inside, or extreme warmth. Both are related to incorporating the higher energies.

At times, this process may result in aches and pains, headaches, nausea, digestive or sinus issues. The energy of spirit is amping up and will affect the physical until we adjust. Then there is a pause before another surge of energy comes forth. The in-breath and the out-breath. It’s as if each time a great wave comes and raises you higher. Then it recedes and then another great wave rolls in and takes you higher again.

You receive this energy and transmit it out through your heart centers.

We say this to you – to all who read these words – you have a purpose here – believe in your light and your connection to the Divine! Find what brings you happiness – it is right in front of you. Ask your guides to help you open up to the energetic frequency that is your signature – like a fingerprint – your unique expression. Ask for help in clearing whatever is restricting you from embodying your true nature.

We are growing into Oneness. This means that we are collaborating consciously on our reality. It is no longer about competition – you fellow Lightworkers are not in competition with one another, doing your work of teaching, sharing information and healing. It is now about cooperation. It is about knowing that you are working together – walking similar paths that are in alignment and advancing towards the Center. So walk the path of light, love and truth… share your wisdom, learn from each other, support each other when the going gets tough.

And… listen to the children, for they carry much wisdom, truth and inner knowing…


Nancy Leilah Ward

Many of One
Visit my blog at:
Email: Leilah.nward@gmail.com

Everything around you reflects your attitude toward it, and reacts accordingly.

- Catherine Ponder




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