02 май, 2008

Akashic Records of May 2008

message from Akashic Records channeled by Jen Eramith MA
Thursday, 1 May, 2008 (posted 2 May, 2008)

What energy and experiences can we expect during May of 2008?

There is a rush of new energy in May 2008. You will find an enormous amount of life force energy available to anyone who wants to tap into and use it in May of 2008. Imagine the energy involved when flower bloom – that life force energy that is naturally directed where it needs to be. It creates a fullness. This is what is available to you in May. Everything is becoming fuller.

It is well known that most of you have had a pretty difficult or intense year so far. January, February, March and even April have not been the most comfortable period of time in your lives so far! May is finally the time when things can make sense to you again. It is as though you catch up with yourselves beginning in the last week of April. This kind of energy will likely continue on through May and even through June. While the challenges in your life will remain and you will need to tend to the challenges in your lives, you will find that things make more sense than they have before. The solutions that you try will work better than you expected, or finally something will work where nothing has worked before. This is a time when a lot of the questions that you have in your everyday lives, as well as questions that you have about all of humanity, start to get answered. May is a time when you are likely to find a reassuring sense of your own intuition. You are likely to find evidence that things are in alignment, and even the difficulties serve a useful purpose.

This is not to say that tragedies will not continue to occur. There is violence in the world, and there is always a potential for destruction, but for the most part in your individual lives, there is potential for things to finally start to come together. The primary experience of May 2008 is likely to be one of fullness, reenergizing and of a sense of reinvigoration; that is the primary energy of May 2008.

How can we best work with the energy of May 2008?

We say that things are going to feel better and things are going to start to work better, however the Keepers are not saying that things will necessarily be easy if you sit back and become passive. More than ever, it is important to remain awake, alive and accountable for what is happening in your lives. The best thing you can do is keep your eyes wide open and be willing to see whatever comes for what it is. Avoid denial. Then, make decisions about whatever comes. This process of seeing without denial and actively deciding what to do is likely to be easy and enjoyable! You can relax your worries, but you must remain engaged in life!

For those of you going through Enlightenment, there will never be a time in your lives again when you can stop thinking; when you can just check out and coast through life without being intentional. That way of being will probably not work for you ever again. Of course you will rest sometimes or sit back and relax. This is not a message about being “on guard,” it is a message about being accountable and alive. Imagine the way young children act when they wake up in the morning -- they jump out of bed and they are excited to see people, do something, and try new things. This way of being in Enlightenment brings you back to that way of being and that kind of joyful engagement with life.

In May, do not look for ways to check out or do not tell yourself, “Hey this should be easy. Why is this not easy all of the time?” Instead, whenever there is a challenge just rise to it; assume that everything, all of the energy that you will need to resolve it, is right there at hand. Look for it. Use it. You do not need to wait for it, search for it, jump through hoops or get it right in order to receive the energy you need -- it is just right here for you in May. Assume the people near you are here to help; assume the solution to a problem is available right in front of you. It is all around you!

Another important point in regard to the energy of May is based on your engagement with people. Most of you will find that it will be important to notice human interaction and your participation in groups. While there has been guidance from the Akashic Records, and from other spiritual leaders or self-help books, most of you have gotten the message over the last few years that you need to be mindful about whom you spend your time with. Most of you have had the experience of not always being very clear on what that means. You may think a friendship needs to end, then suddenly the friendship turns out to be exactly the thing that you needed. There are some relationships that have always been a little tricky for you; it is not always easy to see whether you should be moving toward it or away from it. In May of 2008, these things are going to become more clear. More than ever, your human interpersonal relationships must come into alignment with your highest good. In your relationships, whenever you are unsure if you have said the right thing, if you should act or not; whenever you are unsure about staying in any of your relationships during May 2008, essentially the thing that is available is absolute surety, absolute unquestioning knowing. Wait for it. Decide the next step, and keep watching the big picture. It will become clear.

Even those of you who are experts at second-guessing yourselves, you will find that if you are unsure of something in May 2008, if you will sit down and set all of your tasks aside for just a few moments, take a deep breath, close your eyes and meditate on the thing that is bothering you or you are unsure about, you will find a sense of surety. Try out different answers. Imagine that the answer is ‘yes’ to whatever your question is, then sit with that and feel what it is like to live with that answer. Be playful. The instant you try the solution that is best, you will know. It will click in that magical way that makes everything clear. In May, if you will be willing to sit down and listen to yourself and try different solutions in your mind, you will find that click any time you want it. The key is to be willing to sit down and wait for it. Do not distract yourself with unimportant tasks. Wait for your intuition to guide you.

This is an excellent time to practice your own expertise, practice standing in your own authority or turning to yourself for the answers rather than seeking them from somewhere else. You can always find more information from a book, in a speech, from a parent, friend or even an employer. But for this month, wait for your own authority. Wait for your own, deeper sense of knowing. It is right here with you now! It is a wonderful time for self empowerment if you will give yourself time to find it.

What days will be important in May of 2008?

The time period from the last week of April until May 5 is a time of transition; when you really start to get used to how much energy you have at your fingertips. You may find yourselves fumbling a bit, as someone who gets a new car with a far bigger engine than the one they had before -- they tap the gas gently and the car rushes forward faster than they expect. You may find yourselves feeling like you have a bigger engine for the first few days of May. This is a good opportunity for you to make small mistakes and practice living with more energy each day. The best thing you can do is take full accountability for the mistakes or fumbles that do occur. Any time you do something that you regret, or something that you wish you could do differently, stop and take accountability. During these days you have a free pass to revisit the situation and the person, say you are sorry and explain how you want to do it differently. Ask if you can start over again. This is the perfect time to practice!

On May 11, things get fuzzy. With the joy, expansion and energy in May, things get more clear. As much as you are able to know yourselves better this month, inevitably you and your lives get bigger, then it takes a little while for your life to come back into focus again. When a camera pans out to a larger landscape, the focus can deteriorate until you adjust it to the new, broader picture. In the same way, on May 11, you may find things have gotten a bit fuzzy for you. May 11 is a good day to sit down and get clear again with yourselves. Use the Truth List exercise from the Vernal Equinox Live Channeling, where you sit down and make a list of what is true for you every night. This exercise can continue to be helpful through the month of May, and particularly around May 11. Simply sit down and write a list of truths -- what is true for you in that moment. If you will do this regularly, you will find that your life becomes more focused very easily; things that start to feel a little unclear get clear for you again.

May 17 provides an experience that is the opposite of May 11. It is as if things are so clear that it may be painful; like looking directly at the sun. Sometimes too much light can hurt your eyes or disorient you. You may find that on May 17 you will feel like teenagers write in text messages when they say TMI – Too Much Information! Consider this possibility a few days in advance so that when it happens you do not need to be disoriented. Just as if you were planning to go out into the sun and you put on some sunglasses before you step outside. Knowing that May 17 may be a little startling or overwhelming in advance can help you deal with what comes, or at least help you not panic if you feel overwhelmed.

May 31 is an energetic gateway; it is a Star Gate. This is an energetic portal open to all of humanity to download information from the higher realms. Now, remember, all of you can do this any time you wish, but during a Star Gate, it occurs for each of you all at one time. It is a higher dimensional portal of energy. It is for your benefit. Every person reacts differently to a Star Gate. Some people find that it overwhelms them and they want to sleep the whole time, which is a very efficient way to download information. If you feel sleepy on or around May 31, sleep more to get the rest you need. Other people may feel activated by this Star Gate, and cannot sleep at all. Either way, take good care of yourselves; manage your bodies carefully in the days just before May 31 and especially on the day, itself. Depending on who you are and what your soul has agreed to do, you may be downloading a lot of energy from your Higher Self.

For those of you moving through Enlightenment, there are some days when you feel “spacey.” It may be that you cannot keep track of things, or that time seems to “slip away from you.” This occurs because, at a higher level, you are tuning into something higher than yourself -- usually some kind of healing energy. Often, people pray for healing and then they wonder why they feel so spacey or lost, when actually the feeling is the experience of receiving that healing energy. It will become important for you to give some time and space in your life for the energy that you ask for from Spirit. It takes you some time to integrate that energy. Give yourself that time, care, and attention around May 31. Be gentle, stay grounded, eat well, and sleep a lot!

It seems as though several of the past months have been characterized with upheaval in many different areas of the world, in particular Africa. Will this continue in May? Will May bring increased challenges with the world’s food supply and are there things that we can do to help?

Yes, yes and yes. Yes there will continue to be unrest in Africa, Middle Eastern Asia and in China. Yes there will continue to be food shortages in Africa and across the world. Yes there are things you can do to help. The way that this trajectory interacts or intersects with the energy of May is that the fullness in May brings a swelling of attention, things that could have been swept under the rug or hidden before are nearly impossible to hide at this point. In May you are likely to see more information come to the surface regarding food shortages and how they affect people. It is not necessarily that the food shortages are increasing, it is the consequences and awareness of food shortages that are increasing. Humanity is catching up with itself and, in doing so, you see more of the damage that has occurred. However, you also can see the growth that has occurred, particularly in your ability to come together and intentionally improve your collective experience. You are empowered to heal yourselves, as a human family, in a way you have never been empowered before. This is what you can begin to comprehend in May 2008.

There is a trajectory for the planet that is evident as you read the latest news. This trajectory continues. This month, you will see an upsurge in news about it. It will become even more widely covered by your media; it will become even more apparent to all of you so that even if you do not pay much attention to the news, you will find that your attention is drawn to this. Part of the fullness of energy means that everything becomes more visible. In the past, all of this information about what is happening in the world -- as well as information about what is happening in your individual lives, such as who is good for you and not good for you, what directions you should take or what the possibilities are in any given choice you might make -- all of that information in the past would have been completely overwhelming to you. Because of the Enlightenment process and the challenges you have faced in your own lives, you are now able to process this information and have it open your heart rather than overwhelm you and close you down.

The challenge in May of 2008, for every human being on the planet, is to pay attention and open your hearts at the same time. This may sound simple, but it is actually not common for people to do both at the same time. In the past when you would pay attention to suffering at a global level such as this, in order to save yourself, you had to close yourselves off; you have had to not pay attention or not really feel it. There are a few of you who have kept your hearts open and you have felt the weight of the world. You will be joined by others now. You will carry this together. There is an open invitation in the month of May and June when it is possible for you now to open your eyes and hearts at the same time, to really see and feel what is happening to many people on the planet and to actually let it soften you. Let it help you feel more connected to people.

For most of you, this will lead to some kind of action whether it is donating money, traveling to Africa, writing a letter or inviting refugees to your home; there are a million different possible actions you can take. For most of you there will be an action that best suits your journey, but from the perspective of the entire month, we cannot really prescribe what that will be for you as individuals. For some of you it will be in prayer, for others it will mean dropping everything and moving to Africa. It is up to you to ask yourself what is best for you to do; what action does your heart lead you to most readily? This is a perfect example of when to use the exercise in which you ask yourself what to do and then you wait for an answer and for that click of knowing something in your deepest heart.

You will see more hearts opening in May and you will find that on a political scale governments and other institutions of power will be less able to remain distant from the effects of their actions. They will be less able to say that they are trying their best when they are not, or to say that they never meant to hurt anyone when they really did. Watch for scandalous information in your news about the behaviors of governments and corporations. Do your best to continue to watch for the signs of how much people are healing in the world even as the suffering and the scandal is coming to light. Again, there is an enormous amount of life force energy available to each of you, so that you are finally safe to open your hearts and cry for the suffering that occurs in the world without getting lost or damaged in the process. Your hearts are safe – they can finally break open.

The Guides talked a little bit about Ascension and what would happen during the month of May for people who are going through Ascension. Do they have any other information about that?

Going through Ascension is essentially the same thing as Enlightenment. Ascension is the physical process by which people move into and through Enlightenment. Enlightenment is who you are and who you are becoming as you move into Light. Ascension is the process by which your physical, emotional, and mental fields change in accordance with your Enlightenment. You can assume that whatever you are experiencing in the process of Ascension is the same as in Enlightenment.

As you are moving through Enlightenment, otherwise known as the process of Ascension, the two primary points in regard to May are to turn to yourself as your own highest authority and to open your heart. Any time you feel yourself checking out and not paying attention to what is before you, stop and ask, “What am I afraid of?” Ask how you can connect to whatever it is that you are closing yourself off from.

For many of you going through Enlightenment (most of you listening or reading), you are likely to find an upswell of emotion during the month of May. Coming with the fullness of energy, if you are really taking advantage of this opportunity to look and see and keep your heart open, then you are likely to have a lot of feelings during the month. You are likely to find yourself crying or giggling often; do not shy away from expressing emotions. If you are a person who finds that it is not always easy to access your emotions, this would be an excellent time to go to therapy, talk deeply with a trusted friend, or even watch a movie or read a book that touches your heart. Only you will know what touches your heart. Some people say, “This book is so touching.” But you read it and it did not really do anything for you. Do not listen to other people as to what will touch your heart. You know when you feel that sweetness of your tender heart. Move toward that this month. There is no reason to avoid it. Find ways to feel your emotions. It will be vitally important for your psychological and physical health moving forward in the process of Enlightenment that you keep your emotions with you as you move through all of this energy in May. Do not leave them behind. It will be much harder to help your emotional self catch up with you later on. Keep your heart open; keep feeling things.

For people who have been having a difficult time with their romantic partners in April and the last few months, what will the platform be for romantic relationships? Will there still be this unrest and how can we create more harmony with our partners?

This is the reason that the Keepers have directed Jen to host a three-part series of Live Channelings regarding romantic love. This is such an important question at this time on Planet Earth. We will talk about this in regard to May, and you can find much more information regarding romantic love in the Live Channelings.

In regard to May, you are likely to find that things get easier in your life partnerships and also in your business partnerships or other kinds of partnerships you may have in your life. In your close committed relationships, best friendships, spouses -- in any version of a close commitment, you are likely to find that things just feel easier. A lot of the things that bothered you before are likely to not bother you so much even though they will still be there. The things that overwhelmed you before when you thought, “Oh gosh, he or she is just driving me crazy. I do not know if I can take this” -- now you will be able to see and relax. You are likely to see the things that were difficult for the last few months and you just laugh and laugh. This things become funny and the two of you can make jokes about how intense you have been with each other. You will have more energy to address your differences in May than you did earlier in the year.

The energy in May can provide a very welcome break from the turmoil and intensity of trying to work things out when they are not working very well. That being said, if you are in a partnership that does not serve your higher self or your best interest in your life, it is not going to get easier in May -- it is going to get harder. In May, with all that energy coming through, there is not much room for restriction; there is not much room for holding your breath and hoping nothing changes. Instead it is as if opening the doors wide when a strong breeze is blowing -- the wind is going to come through and invigorate and freshen the air. But if you are trying to hold on and not move, it is only going to get worse or more uncomfortable. If you find in May that your partnerships become more difficult than ever, you might consider ending the partnership or revising the contract between you.

If, on the other hand, you find that things get more intense but it becomes funny and you can make jokes about it, then keep trying. There is more for you to learn. If you have tried to talk something through with a partner and it has not worked so far this year, try it in May. You are likely to find that things are going to go better even if they did not go well before; there is just a different energy. If they continue to get more difficult then you might want to ask yourself if this is where you really want to be. Having a difficulty with a partnership is not unusual in the world and it is usually not necessarily a sign that you are not meant to be in the relationship. But at this time it may be a sign. The energy of May can be an amplifier and therefore it can be a clarifier; it can help you actually see if you should be in it or not based on if it gets easier or harder this month.

Is there anything else the Keepers wish for us to know about the month of May?

A final thing is that with all this energy coming through, it would serve all of you to look back at the monthly messages of April, March, February, January and December. Look at your journals and reflect on your personal life through the last five months. You have been called to focus on things, to figure out what you are really doing or to get rid of the things that are standing in your way. There are all kinds of ways you have been called to do that and you have done it whether you were trying to or not. It can be apparent to you, now more than ever, what is important in your life and what is not important.

In May, you will have more energy on a daily basis to get things done and to engage with life. If you have a sense of your focus, if you have a sense of the top five priorities in your life, you are going to use that energy far better. You will be happier with what you did looking back on the month if you develop that focus in advance. Look back on where you have been going, where you have been so far, what direction you have been trying to take in your life and see if you cannot harvest some of the energy that comes to you in May to really take some steps forward in the things that are most important to you. List the top five things in your life, the very most important things, post those things on your desk, by your bed or on your bathroom mirror so all month long you remind yourself where you want to put your energy. You will be so much more pleased with yourself in July if you do that. Otherwise, if ever there was a month to enjoy, this is it! Watch for opportunities to giggle, especially with other people. Watch for opportunities to invest your energy in something that excites you. Especially this month, there is no reason to hold yourselves back!

Copyright © Akashic Transformations 2005 - 2007 All rights reserved.

The Monthly Message Preview was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith, M.A. Permission is given to copy and redistribute the Messages Previews provided that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author, and it is freely distributed. http://www.akashictransformations.com




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