The Alchemy of the Solstice
Archangel Metatron via J Tyberonn
December 21, 2008
Special AA Metatron Channeling for the Solstice
Greetings Dear Ones,
And so we gather on this auspicious day, one of celestial import and Earthen significance within the energy of what you term the December Solstice.
Dear Ones, that you term the Solstice is truly a momentous frequencial-astronomical event that occurs bi-annually in the solar return when the tilt of the Earth's axis is most oriented toward or away from the Sun, causing the Sun to reach its northernmost or southernmost extreme. As your ancients knew, on the solstices the Sun stands still in declination. Its apparent movement north or south comes to a brief but critically important gravitational standstill.
As such this event should be understood in complexities, in a wider perspective. In fact the energy created in such an apexial pause opens a window in causal space time as perceived from the Earth that enables an influx passage of enormous energy gates for a period of 144 hours; 72 hours prior and 72 hours after the Heliotropic halt seemingly occurs.
The solstices, together with the equinoxes create an energetic axialtonal cross between the patterns that seemingly connects the Earthen seasons.You perceive these dates as beginnings of seasons, in fact that are centre points. Indeed these centre points are portals that interface vibrationally with all matter and all consciousness in ways that you do not fully understand as yet. Suffice it to say that your Beingness is triggered within these gates.
Your probable Sun orbits the center of what you term the Milky Way galaxy at a distance of approximately 26,000 light-years from the galactic center (according to your present vector in space-time).
The Great Central Sun
Beyond your Milky Way is the Great Central Sun, termed TULA. It is the Source and the Center of the Cosmos. It is the Point of Integration of the matter-antimatter 'Flash' aspect of the Divine Cosmos Hologram. It is the Metatronic Origin of all physical-spiritual creation. It is the nuclear Cosmic Egg.
The Star Sirius is the Focal receiver -transmitter of the Great Central Sun in your sector of the Galaxy. The 'SON' behind the SUN of Cosmos is perceived as the Cosmic Christos, which is the energetic frequency of Divine Thought thru which the Formless Void was endowed with geometric light. Your 'I AM ' Beingness is in fact triggered within these frequential sources. Accordingly thru this Metatronic mechanism were all Worlds draped in physicality.
Certain portals occur within the Cosmos thru events such as the Solstices and Equinoxes that allow greater flow of this creative energy into the Earth plane.
The Alchemy of the Solstice Gate
The Solstice has always been recognized by the ancients of mankind as one of the four most powerful points of the solar year. In the Northern Hemisphere this celestial event usually occurs on December 21st. The timing of the solstice this year is today, interpreted in your calendar as Sunday, December 21, at 7:04 a.m. EST, 4:04 a.m. PST, or 12:04 p.m. Universal Time. Yet we tell you its energy gate of opportunity extends thru December 24th, 72 hours beyond centre point, before the gate narrows to closure. It is a time for you to utilize contemplation and prayer.
Dear Ones, the very frequencial energy of this extraordinary solstice will for most of you create an intensity that can effect you in many ways. Imagine it as a full moon X 100. Yet know that with this is an axial grail of akashic energy, of coded light. Within this is a very real download of unique 'matrix-creation' energy that will allow for a sense of hope through the very mechanisms of change.
A gate is open, and thus you are given an opportunity to create those changes on the micro and macro that you desire. It is an opportunity that you are urged to seize. It is an electromagnetic force of Celestial source sent to you from the Realms of the Ascended Masters and Elohim. The Legion of Enochian Metatronic Light ! It is time for the Quest of Final Mastery , and you are being facilitated in a way that has not yet occurred upon your Earth. It is the gate of quickening, it is an influx of HOPE.
And so this year of 2008 the northern solstice provides a succinct ethereal influence and purposed energetic influx of rare potency. It is the most vital solar gate felt on the planet in your current lifetime. Initially it can be so powerful that you feel overwhelmed, but Dear Ones do not fall into despair with this increase voltage of life force that bombards you this day. Indeed many will, but recognize it as an opportunity, for this energy is the underpinning of that you term co-creation. Use it wisely. Seize the Day!
And while this energy is extremely intense in one interpretation , it is also quite osmotically available to you. It was designed in a way that allows it to be digestible to your MerKaBah and MerKiVah. Energies are increasing on your planet and indeed it is incumbent on you to increase your ability to work within them.
The December 21st solstice of 2008 had its initial feed or reciprocal out-flux on the exceptionally aligned and energized 12-12 gate of December 12, 2008. This is why many of you felt compelled to gather in ceremony and prayer on the extraordinary Full Moon on the 12th of December. Thousands of you did, and indeed within power-nodes of the planet, and this was felt. This has had an impact of great benefit to your planet.
The 12-12 influenced what you are receiving today and will continue to receive for the following 72 hours. It is a magnanimous download of Celestial Light Code encapsulating the planet and indeed the conscious and subtle light-bodies of all mankind on the planet. Your very DNA is being expanded and re-coded! Initially you may find it difficult to focus in this intensity, but through focus you can achieve great states of clarity within this influx.
The Crucible Effect
Systems are breaking down on the individual and planetary levels of Consciousness. That which no longer serves you is being melted down in the crucible of purification.
Relationships that do not lead to higher good are ending, systems that do not serve the higher good are collapsing, rebooting in order to reform in the new paradigm.
Dear Ones, many of you are sensing trepidation, doubt and anxiety. Many of you are drawn to remodel your life. Even those of you on the path are being required to examine those remaining bits of your life that need changing.
Doubt and fear cannot fit into the crystalline paradigm of the Unified Field of the Ascension, but Dear Ones, we implore you to understand the difference between the recognition of inner-conflict and the feeling of self-doubt. The former serves you, the latter does not. Self-exploration is not doubt, indeed it is required through out your sojourn.
This solstice is a time to change that which needs changing! But in order to make the change you must first go deep within to reveal those aspects and habitudes which conflict with your Impeccability, with your highest path. The more you advance, the more difficult it can be to see what remains to clarify. You see, for most of you on the Spiritual Path, you have already made the easy changes. What remains takes more work. What remains is often more complex and doesn't appear in easy to read contrasts of black and white. The choices are not so clearly defined.
The remaining changes may have been hidden under the bed of consciousness, and deeply buried or packaged in boxes that are stored in layers of multidimensional aspects, you term past lives.
You may be stuck in superficial patterns, in spiritual ego, or in relationships that do not allow growth. You may be required to severe a tie that causes pain, yet ultimately serves the growth of all parties by allowing the experience and review of revelation that could not be seen while within the impatterned relationship.
All of you within the Group Consciousness of the Earth are experiencing the most intensified cleansing of your current systems, governments, policies and structures in micro and macro that do not serve the highest good. Your economic rebooting is one example of this.
We tell you clearly that this is a requisite crucible. It is a requisite function in order to merge into the Crystalline Field. It is a necessary change that opens the pathway the gate for the heralded ASCENSION into the Unified Field.
But Dear Ones, it will not come without pain for many of you. Yet we tell you it will cause great purging that will allow quantum growth acceleration.
You see, by design, within the new approaching energy, you cannot sit on the fence anymore. You must choose. Either you take the path of least resistance, or you boldly choose to take your power. Often taking power requires the strength to swim upstream.
Call it spiritual aerobics, and know that it is the true manner for the co-creative manifestation of your individual and planetary graduation on the road to perfection. Often the hardest realization is that you are NOT here to serve others as the primary causal role. That is so hard for many of you to grasp. You are here to grow, and you serve others through the example of serving self first, in highest good, in growth. That is the crucible and a key realization in this school of duality you call Earth.
You are spiritual beings in biological clothes. You are here to discover your Divinity. When you make that discovery, you serve others in the example of that achievement!
Because you wear consciousness filters within the linear time-sequence of duality, because you operate on the surface in the ego-personality mind it is often difficult for you humans to see true nature of your own reality.
The masses of Humanity do not see the bigger picture. Most see only the still frames of the linear expression. The focus is on the painful physical and emotional scenarios that are playing out in their 3d lives. It is easy to feel powerless to make changes. You may feel stuck, and overwhelmed.
For others, you may feel you have achieved a high level of consciousness and are well progressed on the path. For some of you this is true. But be aware that there is always more ahead, always the next level to meld into. As such, there is always more to learn, more to clear to get to the next stage. This is the Nature of consciousness in your paradigm. When you master one aspect, one level, one paradigm , another is presented.
Now, as you progress on your path, you receive much growth, much knowledge to be assimilated. Yet many of you lack a true sense of well being. We implore you to spend time developing this attribute. Well being compliments you on your path. Take time to develop this Dear Ones.
So within this period of the Solstice, we urge you to take time to meditate, take time to explore the inner self. The Angelic Realm and the Ascended Masters are available to you is closer proximity than you may realize during this phase.
Utilize this Day and the following 3 days to create what you desire in your life for your Highest Good. Indeed 2009 is a year for new partnership, for new vision, for the manifestation of the New Earth.
Crystalline Activations in 2009
2009 will have many frequential portals. Each of the equinoxes and solstices in 2009 will be increasingly powerful in their inflow of higher dimensional Light. On the powerful 9-9-9, the Crystalline Grid will achieve 75% activity and the powerful Earth-Keeper Crystals of the Atlantean Temples will flow into greater activity. The Om Crystal, The Green Crystal of Healing and the Blue Crystal of Knowledge will connect to the 144 Grid more potently on the 9-9-9.
The 9-9-9 will also activate some very ancient crystalline fields of metamorphic stratum on the earth. These are powerful stratum that emit a crystalline field. Ancient rocks exceeding 3.5 billion years in age are found on all of Earth's continents. The most potent of the Metamorphic Crystals are the Canadian Shield, the Acasta Gneisses in northwestern Canada ,the Isua Supracrustal in Greenland,the lower Shield in Minnesota and Michigan, in ancient crustal rock in Swaziland and in Western Australia. All will connect to the grid and activate in sentience and unity into the New Earth. Indeed it is true.
December 21, 2008
Todays Solstice will pave the way. Today's northern solstice activates the entry into 2009.
Millions of humanity are praying for Divine Guidance. This powerful event, in synchroncity with the millions of Earth-Keepers, Seekers & Lightworkers across the planet who today are meditating to activate the Lightforce of Creator- God, have played a key role in co-creating the greatest download of Akashic Light the Earth has ever experienced. Indeed,within todays northen Solstice there is a great feeding of the energy of Hope bathing the planet and Humanity over the 72 hours remaining in the opening of this 08 December Solstice Gate. It is being immersed into and through the hearts of people around the world on every continent.
This Divine Interjection will greatly empower the patterns of perfection for the New Earth, and it will accelerate your individual hopes and dreams in a quantum leap.
Dear Ones, we assure you that all is in perfection. Even as the old patterns, old systems and archetypes fall, the expansion of the new rebooted patterns for the Ascended Earth are reforming and manifesting to allow for joyful fulfillment and great hopeful visions in to the energy fields and lives of all mankind that diligently seek this perfection.
We have told you before that the Light Quotient on the planet is now at a higher resonance than at any historical phase of the Earth. It is the root cause of the Ascension. But works remains to be done.
The shift is happening, and your energy is needed NOW, more than ever. You are here to navigate the great shift.
There are specific openings and portals that allow you to make the shift. Today is one such opportunity. There will be others. Utilize them all. Bring in the change, bring in the HOPE , and eliminate fear.
Manifest well-being. Change is coming, and Dear Ones, you are a part of it. Indeed you have chosen it. In a true sense you have created it and it is indeed your chosen destiny. It will happen, it already has.
We honor each of you. We know your pain, we know your doubts, we know your trials. We are here close by your side. Utilize this energy to create the world that is at your fingertips, it is closer than you may realize. We nurture you, we ask you to be kind to one another, and love your SELF.
Seize this Day!!!
I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths.
And so it is.
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