Coming Full Circle
December 2008
by Lisa Renee
Right now is a moment in time where our human evolution has reached unchartered territory.
As a consciousness of a species called “human beings” we experience ourselves as an “idea” that we have had, a dream that we have had in order to experience what we believe it is to be a human being. This happens at every level of the hologram, at a personal and collective consciousness level. This is very much like understanding the nature of programming, it is a series of belief systems, values and archetypes that define an identity.
Questioning Group Identity
Similarly that group holographic identity is what defines the nature of the group holographic reality experience. It is this personal and group identity that we have believed to be the experiential reality of a human being as a species. This entire Identity at every level, is being questioned, reassessed and revalued. We are undergoing a series of processes that is like going through every level of our lives with a fine toothed comb. We are checking for inconsistency and incongruency in every pattern of our lives, our ideas of identity and discarding and retooling much of it.
Similarly it is like describing that we have had influences since our birth on this plane that were like being a train on a “track”. We were being propelled forward through time in a direction that kept us on the “track”. This track was influencing our future probable possibilities, to understand this track of moving forward through the timeline was what is described as an “event horizon”. As a group human consciousness, as we stay on the track together, we influence our future reality into a series of probabilities based upon the energetic resonance and vibrational choices that are being made.
Now the tracks are being removed and nothing is there, nothing is being used to propel us in a forward momentum. Some may still use the tracks at this time, largely from habitual programming and resistance to change our beliefs. However, many of us are being freed from their connection that used to directly influence our direction. There are still energies/entities that are choosing to manipulate these old tracks in order to maintain the status quo of control by resisting the change of evolution. It does not matter as this is their choice, it does not have to be yours.
Testing Inner Integrity
This is a necessary phase of our evolution and growth and may result in change or withdrawal from the group activity or a time of personal sequestering. Many of us are in the process of Questioning the Group Identity in every situation that appears in what we perceive as our external “personal” reality.
As we Question the Group Identity we Test our Inner Integrity and we learn how to sustain our inner connection as the Truth Vibration and develop our personal relationship to the God Source. We test our inner integrity and inner connection against the external values of what is showing up. This is a process of learning how to self source your own inner connection by testing yourself against your external view and verifying it or not with what you feel is your personal resonance.
Many of us are utilizing this technique at this time and what is important to remember is not to judge the external based on your personal resonance. No thing or no person is good or bad or ugly it just IS. This is a personal test of your inner congruency in self sourcing so that you are not unconsciously using the external to “feed” yourself. This is to understand all things feed on something, and you can choose your personal level of inner sustainability by commanding your inner integrity to the God Source as the Ultimate Authority. No matter what it looks like, or what shows up. As you connect inside yourself, YOU KNOW THE TRUTH no matter how chaotic it may get outside.
If you are not inner sustained, or self sourced, you will be a vampire to something outside of yourself in order to feed the nature of your reality programming. Or to feed the emotion or identity that has been held rigidly in place as an illusion of security or safety in these uncertain times. (Most of the planet population is in this phase of feeling fear and thus using the personal ego will to control and manipulate their illusion to manifest some idea into a belief of their security)
Popular manipulation techniques being used now are all polarity thinking: Us vs.Them, Enemy patterning ( there is a terrorist to get you), not that way - but my way is better, ( imposing your will on another) fear of the unknown, nowhere is safe, I know the truth, he/she doesn’t, that person is evil or that person is “good” or whatever else is fabricated from the holographic projection of the personal or group identity. This is all an ego trip of judgment, emotional vampirism and distraction that takes you outside of yourself, instead of being inside of yourself. Every opportunity to distract you from yourself is happening right now so take care to be with your inner sanctum. These activities and thought forms will drain you of your personal power.
You will experience a myriad of emotion or feeling in these multitudes of resonances. The best use of this experience is as a tool to empower you, however remember nothing external is what it appears to be so do not judge it or create panic. There is no need to be anxious or urgent in order to have to explain yourself by creating any drama around this. Now, there is a plethora of intensified energies, entities and experiences and many of these will test your personal experience about what you know to be true and aligned in your heart. Do not succumb to lower nature by harming yourself with negative thoughts or emotions. Understand what this is and stand in your power by commanding your right to God sovereignty at ALL TIMES. It is the game that is being played out here in this realm, pure and simple.
Choose your resonance knowing your personal vibration is your sovereign power and right to express your fully creative nature, free from manipulation or control. It is you alone that is responsible to self source your God Power, nothing outside of you can take this away, even though in many cases you are challenged to do so in order to retain your inner integrity.
Completion of Birth Agreement
Consequently many of us have come to a Full Circle with our birth agreements (Blueprint of our incarnation or spiritual purpose) with this planet and hence this is a time of experiencing completion. Completion and endings of an Identity in the world, including the belief systems, values and images that others have held of who they think you are. Much of these agreements have stemmed from the genetic pattern we have received from the history of our ancestral past, and that which has been encoded in our cells since our birth.
Our bodies are the sum total of all of our experiences at every level of the time space continuum. The time space continuum exists as a multidimensional platform and includes every potential experience that you can imagine or not. These collective images of “recorded” cellular experiences are coming to a surface review in our consciousness. Some of this is similar to a death review we have had experienced on the Astral plane many times before in between physical incarnation, and so a feeling of “phantom death” energy may be prevalent during this time. The vision of the archetype of the tarot card “Death” is useful to remember as it is being experienced at this time, and means not of a literal physical death in most cases, but a huge inner transformation is present that feels like a death to the old order. Some apathy, sluggishness and sadness can be present when we are dying to the “old order”, as a part of us is grieving the change as a loss. Know that we are being transformed as what follows the “death process” is a new beginning.
Many of these memory records of the “old order” of the human experience have energized a platform of energetic architecture of false or enslaved human programming and are now being dissolved at radical speeds. We each experience this dissolution in a unique way to our vibrational level and our genetic configuration as this is our unique contribution to the overall pattern of evolution at this time.
When we understand that every thought, emotion and experience of our ancestors is recorded in our cells (and at the next vibrational level of service to clear this planet), also includes that memory of the collective human soul, we then understand the interconnectedness of All things as One. There can be no separation in this experience as the energetic reality is of One. Our energetic responsibility as a human being is to remember our Unification principle, that we are here together as One. No darkness, shadow or entity is separate from ourselves and cannot be judged as good or bad. It just IS. And it is this understanding how these polarities exist in ourselves and our hologram that actually will free us from its bondage. We will have to face the synthesis of these polarities to reach our entire Unification. It starts with us and ends with us. We cannot point fingers at each other or blame anymore. We cannot rise one onto a pedestal of perfection only to knock them off when they displease you. It is a time of Ultimate Responsibility to Accept our connection unilaterally with All things, whatever has been once deemed, the good, the bad and the ugly.
Embarking a New Platform
Having come through a full circle of our current birth agreements also means at this time we may experience many closures, endings and completions in all areas of our life to make room for the new. I have experienced seeing the layers of a new reality architecture in place that appears like a new scaffolding of pristine support that allows for the possibility of a new human emotional/heart experience.
It is akin to seeing an improved foundation being built of which spiritual frequency can be raised in ever higher octaves. If one rung in the ladder is broken, it is very hard to reach the next step of the ladder. This broken ladder was keeping many levels of consciousness in the Astral layers without realizing that was where it was residing. The Astral Plane relates to the 4th Chakra, the heart complex in the human light body. The Astral Plane was compared to one “rung” in the ladder that was very damaged (equating to the relative emotional damage of most human beings) and therefore many beings were stuck in the rungs of the octaves within the Astral Layers. From my experience with the Guardians throughout 2008, I have experienced a huge change underway in the Astral Plane layers of our personal light body as well as that which has impacted the Astral Body of the Planet. This is like an upgrade to the way the human being can process and experience “emotional” intelligence.
The Astral Plane damage had interfered with this level of the human heart and its emotional bodies ability to experience direct knowingness though the source connection. This astral body reconfiguration is an answer to that issue both at the planetary and personal experience level. It was expressed by the Guardians that it was projected that more beings would heart awaken through the Galactic frequency activations in 2008, and with this astral body upgrade it would support more awakening waves in 2009.
The journey into Source is a feeling experience, and if we are cut off from the depths of our heart it interferes with our ability to perceive the intuitional feeling of our guidance and connection to our source. The deeper levels of our heart complex open into the gateways of Universal Intelligence and are that which give us the direct cognition of cellular knowingness as our experience of self. This is much different than a “thinking” process that impulses from the mind principle. The heart intelligence is the direct knowingness of the experience rather than a perception coming from an intellectual concept. This is a function of the energy receivers in our human lightbody when it is actually working properly.
It does appear so close to us now, as if we are soon to phase transition to this level. For some of us this may be an interim phase of growth which will feel much easier. It has been explained from the Guardian perspective that the emotional bodies damage in the mass population of the human lightbody had such intense blockages that it was suppressing the ability of the consciousness to experience itself as a “soul” or connected to its “source”. This new platform is an Astral Body and Emotional Upgrade that will allow the Heart Chakra and its energetic intelligence to be experienced differently. Thus allowing a connection to the soul matrix that allows the first steps of awakening to activate the lightbody.
Additionally this reconfiguration will not allow the same level of the human emotional body (the level of addiction, and pain body) to be manipulated by entities that have controlled humanity in the same way. This has created an aggression to reassert control mechanisms in the Astral plane recently. For those of us sensitive, such as the planet grid workers or Polarity Integrators, it may have been a tough time. Our group experiences more of this shift than most, and our lightbody becomes a source of attempts to drain or siphon our source.
Update for the Galactic Polarity Integrator
Those of us working with the energetic architecture of dismantling the old and building the new energy reality systems have been mediating some incredibly intense polarities to synthesize. New galactic energies and the related memory of their timelines have been pouring through the 11th Stargate in the United Kingdom. I referred to this briefly last month and in the ES member community forums as the Nibiruian timeline of “wormwood”.
As mentioned last month as these energetic memories are reintroduced to our surface grid they hold a theme of “pole shift” (catastrophe) and “invasion” (terrorism) and there is some of this playing out in the mass consciousness. The fear of catastrophe brings up anxiety amplified as we may experience anxiety for no apparent reason, except we have this feeling the other shoe is about to drop without knowing when. Also, the theme of invasion brings up fears that relate to the current terrorism rhetoric and to those unconscious of how this is manipulating their actions, some are the pawn to act out that play in the global theatre. Again this is mentioned to empower your understanding of seeing the macro and micro relationships to the movement of the global human agreement through the entire holographic reality we perceive. Nothing is separate and everything has architecture and pattern. There is no need to buy into these patterns as they will be amplified now by those wishing to sway mass consciousness by fear.
The grid work has been intense and much soul retrieval and replacement has been necessary to relieve souls, fragments that have been bound to pieces of the planet’s grid and therefore the planet’s lightbody. This is mentioned in previous news about the clearing of sacrificial energy grids made to a perceived “God”, or the human historical holographic record of the wars created in the name of a “God”. One of the main grid projects is to clear the Christ Crucifixion Implant Memory out of the planetary field, by rehabilitating the consciousness that was traumatized from that memory in multiple time space continuums. This is a primary project underway to disentangle and transport these entities and energies to help return them to their source, or merge back into the Galactic Core, the Center Point of All Union.
Heavy coordinate points that cross into and flood the energy tributaries into the Axiatonal Lines from the 4th and 7th Dimension are being repaired. Since the planetary 7th dimensional axiatonal line is the main disruption of the false christ crucifixion implants this has been a primary repair project. The 7th ray (Violet Flame) is transmitted through the planetary 7th Axiatonal lines and is being recoded. Previously this false crucifixion energy implanted in the 7th Axiatonal line was feeding another false program being used in the Astral plane which was like a mirage. This mirage I have referred to in previous articles is the “False Ascension Matrix” Program. This is why the 4th (astral plane) and the 7th dimensions (violet flame and planetary logos/group mind) are so important in how they intersect and feed the levels of false (enslavement) programming.
I will add that this is such a major piece that determines the future of the planet’s territorial dispute over controlling human consciousness that aggression has been intensified. Incredible interference, direct psychic attack, holographic inserts and projections have been more aggressive than ever. Generally I see it more directed at this group of Polarity Integrators that interface with the Planet Lightbody Planes and its Grid. As anytime a piece of enslavement or control is being released from the collective consciousness there are groups resisting that are not happy with this change.
The new technology being used is a type of holographic insert that projects an image to a remote viewer. Many channels and intuitives will scan another beings energy field, many times without permission from the being they are scanning. This is a type of “remote viewing”. Without invitation from the object being scanned, or that they have not addressed you personally for interaction, there is no agreement and this becomes a field intrusion. This breaks the higher sovereign agreement held between the two entities and allows the choice of exercising one’s personal will (superimposition) over the divine will ( pure beingness). It is an act that does not honor the beings freedom and sovereign right to creative expression. What this personal will choice does is allow for “intrusion” and manipulation and triggers a holographic insert that acts as a mirage. When the remote viewer sees the “mirage” it sees an illusion of a program placed there to create a negatively judged experience. Since personal will is about applying judgment, judgment becomes the playing field of manipulation.
What I am noticing is many of these holographic field inserts happening are on spiritual leaders or group facilitators. As a group it may empower us to be aware of these potentials, ( holographic inserts) as this is an aggressive tactic to employ a last ditch effort to thwart us from our collaborative group impact. Conquer and Divide is the main agenda to keep separation consciousness alive. If spiritual leaders or facilitators become competitive, judgmental with each other or publically diss another spiritual leader, use this as a benchmark to put your own ego in check. Perceived power over others is an extremely slippery pitfall of the ego consciousness. There is never any excuse to put down any being ever, as each and every one of us is here to provide a specific niche and unique frequency to collaborate into the whole of creation. It is each and every beings responsibility to decide their own personal pathway of resonance and not rely or depend on any outside source through attachment. Discernment over judgment, preference over attachment and self sourcing your inner sustenance is a huge path of mastery at this time. Walk the tightrope carefully however be kind in every way you can. The current adversity can pound us out of our kindness towards our self and others, and it is a time where kindness and compassion are the most needed.
At the time of our monthly Q & A Class (December 17th) I will answer any questions around this to bring more clarity if this is resonant as a part of your planetary service at this time. Naturally this is not everyone’s role here, however there is a group of us that work together to perform group planet grid repair projects.
Stay in the luminosity of your heart and soul path! We are here as One!
Love, Lisa
© 2008, Lisa Renee
Please note in order to distribute this Newsletter in other forums please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and include the ES website url.
With the vibrational choices being made at this time, ( see last month’s article) razor thin discernment of personal resonance is more enhanced than ever before. The multidimensional timeline and future direction of our consciousness is standing at a critical mass and directly based upon the energetic signature and resonance being held. This is activating a level of completion in many ways that have previously influenced our experience of ourselves as a human consciousness.---
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