26 август, 2008

Multidimensional News* AUGUST 2008




My Dearest Partners in Ascension,

First, allow me to answer a question that I have been asked by many of my awakened ones. This question is, "How can I best serve the process of planetary ascension?" My first response is—patiently. I know that patience is not a common trait in today's modern world. The rush and competition of daily life, hurry up, get-there-first and do-it-now overshadows my planetary ideal of calm patience. Patience is so vital because the hurry-scurry of working hard to get ahead lowers your resonance to survival consciousness.

Just as rushing is a human trait, patience is a planetary trait. Do you think that I could have created mighty oceans, vast prairies, high mountain ranges and huge forests without patience? Humanity thinks in terms of days and years, whereas I think in terms of centuries and millennia. However, we are returning to a frequency of reality in which time is only measured in terms of NOW. We are at End Game of the experiment of life on a dimension/frequency in which polarities create myriad limitations and separation from Spirit.

I remember clearly when we, the collective consciousness of all the wonderful beings of my planet, decided on the experiment of creating this hologram so that we could experience having form in the lower dimensions. Our planet was meant to be fourth dimensional, which has polarities, but time, space and form are mutable. Due to the elasticity of form, those who had volunteered to be first dimensional beings such as rocks, river beds, and deep caves could easily transmute their frequency to take the second dimensional form of lower animals, trees and flowers. Furthermore, animals could become people and people could become animals.

When Earth was in the fourth dimension, we all lived in constant communication with our Creator SELF, the Elohim, who held our form, and the Angels, who kept us in infinite connection with Source. Our shift into the extreme polarity of the third dimension began during the time of Atlantis. At first, Atlantis was as pure and innocent as Lemuria, its precursor and counterpart in the Pacific Ocean. Atlantis was in what is now the Atlantic Ocean and epitomized a primarily masculine energy. On the other hand, Lemuria was in what is now the Pacific Ocean and epitomized a primarily feminine energy.

With the initiative power of the masculine energy, the humans of Atlantis began experimenting with creating new forms to understand the powers of the Elohim and to make new connections with Source. Because the Atlantians’ reality was fourth dimensional, these experiments were easy due to the transmutable nature of that dimension. Unfortunately, in their search for personal expansion, the Atlantian scientists gradually became arrogant and above the laws of Nature, which lowered their frequency enough to separate them from constant communications with their SELVES, the Elohim, the Angels and Source. Without their spiritual connection, they also became separated from the collective and planetary consciousness. At that point, they began to desire greater individuality and more control over others and over their outer reality.

Before this, every creature, whether in the form of a rock, plant, animal or person, was connected to Source and to me, Gaia, the mother of all earthly experience. Together with Father Sky, I, Mother Earth, united all reality in a holographic network projecting life as form on a fourth dimensional planet. All of us, even those who chose to take the form of rocks, waterways, or insects, knew that we were ONE consciousness plugged into the same holographic experience. We had all joined our consciousness together to create a joint reality in which we took forms.

We all knew that these forms were mere costumes that we wore on the stage of life. Hence, just as certain workers may "trade shifts" with their co-workers, we saw nothing unusual in shifting into other forms or trading forms with others. In order to keep our matrix stable, the only things to remain static were the forms of Mother Earth (planetary form) and Father Sky (container/holographic backdrop for the form of Earth).

Much to our unified surprise, the actors who joined our planetary stage gradually became very attached to their roles. They no longer wanted to share their form with others or shift from their parts. Hence, the lovely, flowing holographic picture became more static. Furthermore, as the actors became too attached to their roles, they became more detached from their Creator SELF within them. Eventually, this detachment from Spirit became more and more prevalent. Because of this, the frequency of my planet began to lower and many fourth dimensional abilities were lost.

While in the fourth dimension, all life was connected via consciousness, and we were all aware that together we projected out a holographic picture of our united reality. Through our connection, we knew that whatever we did to another, we simultaneously did to ourselves. Hence, any action that caused psychic or physical pain was soon discarded.

Then the Atlantians, who saw themselves as scientists, grew to believe only in that which they could prove within the illusions of the holographic matrix. Hence, the truth of their higher dimensional reality became lost, as well as their connection with the multidimensional creatures of my planet. Because of their detachment, they could experiment with the form of others without any reflection or conscience. They tried to recover their lost skill of shape shifting, but instead of raising their consciousness into a frequency in which that would be natural, they began genetic mutations and painful operations.

Their experiments created great pain and suffering for their “subjects,” and the concept of cruelty took root on my planet. With the invention of cruelty, came fear. This fear began to lower our frequency to the point where many were beginning to forget that our planet was actually a holographic projection, and we—all life—were united into ONE consciousness in the fifth dimension and beyond. By this time, we were in the Kali Yuga of the Atlantian era.

The Kali Yuga is the 2,000-year cycle that is furthest from the last excursion through the Photon Belt. We are within the Photon Belt for 2,000 years, which is a marvelous Golden Age filled with high frequency light. Then, once we leave the Photon Belt, we go through five two-thousand-year, cycles, or Ages, in which there is less and less high frequency light. By the Kali Yuga, the final Age, we have been out of the Photon Belt for ten thousand years. Fortunately, the Kali Yuga is followed by the re-entry into the Photon Belt and another two thousand years of a Golden Age.

Within the joint illusion of the time/space rotation around the holographic galaxy, the Photon Belt comes up every 10,000 years in the Age of Leo and the Age of Aquarius, which we are now entering. The vast concentration of fifth dimensional, and beyond photons, in the Photon Belt facilitates the awakening of the players of the hologram. Those who have already awakened to the fact that they are united in a joint holographic reality of life in form, as well as those who are awakened by the proximity of the Photon Belt, are presented with an opportunity to log-out of the virtual reality and return to their multidimensional, Creator SELF in the fifth dimension and beyond.

“Logging-out” of the hologram is very different from dying. When you “die,” you have not yet awakened to your Multidimensional SELF or to the fact that YOU are, and have always been, the projector of the reality that you have experienced. On the other hand, when you log-out, you have awakened to remember your SELF. Hence, you can consciously choose to return to your true Creator SELF. In other words, you ascend into the fifth dimension and beyond to merge with your Multidimensional Creator SELF.

The entry into the Photon Belt has always served as a re-start of the holographic projection of form in the lower dimensions. The base of Mother Earth and Father Sky remained, but a new game began and new Souls could experiment with life in form. With the cycle ending with Atlantis, the re-start came none too soon. Due to the great amount of fear that had invaded the collective and planetary consciousness, the frequency of Earth had fallen from the higher fourth dimension, into the Lower Astral Plane (lowest frequency of the fourth dimension) and even into the third dimension.

Since our reality was meant to be fourth dimensional, the third dimension was so low that the very holographic matrix was beginning to degrade. The end result of this degradation would be the total collapse of our matrix and the shut-down of the holographic projection. I sent out a call for assistance from the higher dimensions and wondrous light beings volunteered to enter our holographic reality to mend the matrix with their higher light. They were successful in that my Earth matrix remained, but the third dimension became my permanent resonance.

Although many players chose to log-out of the hologram during the last excursion through the Photon Belt, many Atlantians wanted to remain in the hologram. They were aware that their consciousness had become so distorted that they had almost crashed their “mother-board of Earth.” They wanted to return to Gaia and repair the damage they had done. Fortunately, the volunteer Light Beings who answered our planetary SOS. agreed to continue assisting our matrix through the next 10,000 years cycle before our re-entry into the Photon Belt.

We are currently in the final years of the 2000 years of the Kali Yuga. As with the Atlantian times, we have been the furthest from our 2000 years of light within the Photon Belt. Hence, we have experienced a time of great fear and darkness. However, once we transmute that fear and darkness into love and light we have the greatest ability to remember our SELF and ascend back into our Creator SELF’s fifth dimensional reality. With this entry into the Photon Belt, I, Gaia, will join you, and your personal ascensions will also be a planetary ascension.

Furthermore, our segment of 3D space/time wishes to ascend back into the fourth and/or fifth dimension and beyond. Hence, all the players of our holographic matrix will return to the fifth dimension, as will the form of Mother Earth (planetary form) and Father Sky (container/holographic backdrop for the form of Earth). Because of this, great beings from the highest dimensions have volunteered to lower their frequency enough to enter a third dimensional form to heal my planetary matrix and participate in the glory of our great ascension.

Due to the introduction of fear, the frequency of our holographic matrix slowly dropped from the fifth dimension to the fourth dimension, and then into the darkness of the Lower Astral Plane of the fourth dimension, then into the third dimension at the “fall of Atlantis.” Now, it is returning to the Unity and timeless NOW of the fifth dimension from whence we came. I know that some of my humans may not be ready to release their third dimensional attachments, but arrangements have been made for them, as well.

Our forms are now third dimensional and our auras, personal and planetary are fourth dimensional. It is within the fourth dimension that you rest in between your log-ins into yet another holographic life. Many of you who are incarnated at this time have practiced your contribution in life after life toward this great ascension. Between these lives, you have rested in the fourth dimension. Some of you have even been able to ascend and return to join your SELF in the fifth dimension and beyond.

Many of those of you who have ascended have returned in this era to assist with our planetary ascension. In fact, you may well be among the original players and/or those who volunteered to save our matrix at the fall of Atlantis. Because of your past planetary service you wished to return to participate in the wonderful moment of the culmination of a great experiment. In addition, many members of other planets, galaxies and dimensions have been of great assistance from the fourth and fifth dimension.

At some time, most of you fell asleep to your true Self and became trapped in the illusions of the third dimensional reality. You were then limited to re-incarnating/ logging-into the physical Earth hologram again and again. Fortunately, you eventually awakened, and are awakening to, the truth that YOU are actually projecting your holographic role from the fifth dimension and beyond. I wish to tell you that I, Gaia, remember and spiritually KNOW each being who has incarnated in any form, whether it be rock, water, insect, plant, animal, human, faerie, Elemental, Elohim or Angel.

I feel the great love and dedication to each of my humans who have returned to become my partner in planetary ascension, as well as those who fear change, any change, because they are too filled with fear to venture out of their comfort zone. For those who are still asleep to their SELF, I offer the same patience that I have while I create mountains and oceans. Time is an illusion, for our holographic reality is projected from the NOW of the ONE.

Thank you for joining me in our great experiment. Just as together we created the projection of our holographic Earth, together we shall embrace our Creator SELF who is our projector of life on third dimensional Earth. It was the emergence of fear that lowered our matrix from the playfulness and creativity of the fourth dimension and into the extreme polarities of light/dark, love/fear, male/female third dimension. As we find the center path in-between these polarities, we will back through the fourth dimension to return to the Unity of the ONE in the fifth dimension and beyond.

Your Partner,


The more discrepancy there is between the frequency of the Photon Belt and that which travels through it, the greater will be the disruption to the holographic matrix. If we can raise our personal frequency enough, we can assist in raising the frequency of our planet. In this manner, the damage done to people and planet will be greatly diminished as our third dimensional planet crosses into the fourth and/or fifth dimension.

If we have raised our collective and planetary consciousness into the fifth dimension and beyond, the transition from polarized, third and fourth dimensional realities into a fifth dimensional reality free of all polarity will be greatly diminished. For example, when we entered the third dimensional hologram of Earth, we polarized ourselves into Creator/SELF and ego/self.

In this manner, we could spin the lower frequency, ego/self portion of our consciousness into the electromagnetic fields of Earth’s holographic matrix. We could then observe our ego/self’s responses to a reality based on polarities and the illusions of separation and limitation that these polarities created. Could we remember our true SELF while living in such a reality? To a very great degree, the answer was NO. However, those who did remember their SELF have greatly expanded their Essence far beyond what it was before their entry into our holographic playing field.

Many of us have grown attached to the blue planet, Earth, and do not wish to pull out of the matrix and leave that program vulnerable to destruction. Being the Creations of the Earth hologram, we—people and planet—could end the 3D Game and ascend, die, log-off (according to the belief of our grounded one who is engaged in this matrix.) Instead, we wish to raise ourselves, that is raise our grounded one AND our planet Earth, up into the fifth dimension and beyond, as the one entity that we have always been.

The experiment of life in a polarized, dualistic reality has often gone poorly, especially during the Kali Yuga. Nonetheless, what first began as a hologram has become a life form of great magnitude. We, the planet Gaia, do not wish to merely log-off from this holographic projection, as we have come to unconditionally love life on Earth. We are aware that there are many glitches in this program, as the polarities of darkness and fear can be very destructive influences. Many of our fellow creators have become lost in this victim/victimizer polarity and the daily battle for happiness or even survival.

We see that our Earth matrix is having many symptoms of transformation as we approach the Photon Belt, and we realize that our new Operating System of raising our consciousness into the Flow of the ONE of the fifth dimension is vital for the success of our peaceful transition into the 2000 years of the Photon Belt. After going through 10,000 years of darkness, we do not want to leave this program just short of experiencing the prize of 2000 years of light.

Many of us remember our lives on Atlantis and wish to put right the mistakes that we made there. We see that the same greed for power that destroyed Atlantis is rearing its ugly head now, and we want to close this hologram with the happy ending of returning to our SELF, people and planet, in a beam of multidimensional light and unconditional love. We want to be awake while we gradually and safely transmute back into our true frequency of Lightbeings who first joined this hologram.

To fulfill our dream, we must first raise our personal frequency, and then raise the frequency of the patch of Earth over which we are stewards. As each of us fulfills our personal puzzle-piece of Earth, we will contribute it to the great Planetary Puzzle of ascension to raise the overall frequency of Gaia from third to fourth, and even into fifth dimensional, and beyond. We have put much attention on raising our personal frequency, but we must now turn our attention towards also raising the frequency of our planet.

We find, as we awaken, that we have practiced our personal contribution for planetary ascension for myriad lifetimes. We look around our reality and see that many are still trapped in the illusions of survival on a hostile planet, as well as the illusion of gaining and holding power OVER others. These polarity games have been played for millennia, and we are coming now to End Game. Extreme polarity will not be able to survive our journey into the Photon Belt. Therefore, as we each awaken, we need to find ways to assist others in their awakening so that they no longer feel that they are in the program of “Battlefield Earth.” Hence, as we raise our personal frequency, we turn our attention to others and to the planet to assist Gaia in raising Her frequency.

We do not have “time” to correct the viruses of fear and war, as the Photon Belt is too close. Therefore, we must, instead, pull out of the battlefield and into our new Operating System of Flowing in Unity with the ONE. In this manner, we can better perceive and choose the frequency of consciousness that is in unity with the fifth dimension. While in this higher state of consciousness, we have a greater power over our thoughts. With this mastery over our thoughts, we can direct our intentions toward personal and planetary ascension.


Take long, slow, deep breaths to raise your consciousness

Now, see your reality as it is in this moment

Begin with all the parts of your life that you love
All the persons
And even things that you love

(Remember that everything is alive in a holographic reality. A thing that you love is something you invented in your reality. Hence, it is a symbol of your connection to your true, Creator SELF.)

Feel the loves of your life in your heart and allow this love energy to travel up into your mind/thoughts and down into the body of Gaia, your planetary self

Hold that LOVE as you observe the parts of your life that you wish to transmute/change

Do NOT attach any emotion to these aspects of your life, as the emotion would likely be some form of fear, which would deny you the ability to connect with your Creator SELF. Remember, fear separates, but
LOVE expands and unifies.

As you peruse your reality, allow all that you LOVE about life to expand until it encircles any parts of your life that you wish to change.

As you do so, imagine the loved portions of your life as a green meadow And the difficult parts as holes in that meadow

(Keep your process symbolic so that you will not get triggered into fear by the negative charge of your “problems/holes.”)

Know that reality will never be flat, and there will always be meadows and holes, loves and fears

Now, visualize a rain of higher light coming down from your Creator SELF

See how the higher light expands the meadow While the holes become smaller and smaller

Send the higher light directly into the holes to fill them with unconditional love

Look again to the rain of light

See how it has filled the holes in your meadow, transmuting them into pools of light

LOVE the pools of light in your meadow, for they allow you to better see your SELF

Visualize the entire field, including the holes—which have become pools of light—raising up to join the rain of light

Once more, look at the loved portions of your reality

Feel how you have allowed yourself to love them even more
See how your love has expanded them

Send your old reality the love and thanksgiving that a great teacher deserves

Hold on to this feeling of love and thanksgiving, for it will assist you in releasing the habits of stress and fear, which you have associated with the difficult and fearful portions of your life

Stand on the edge of each pool of light that had once been a low point in your life

Look into that pool to see the reflection of the lesson of that challenge

Now see the fulfillment of that lesson as a wish fulfilled

Hold that image of your wish fulfilled in your mind and love it with your heart
Surrender this image to the rain of light

Begin every day for 7 days with the feel of love and thanksgiving for your old challenges

In this manner you will release the link of fear to that area of your life and replace it with the link of love

It is this Link of LOVE that allows you to heal, and re-heal and re-heal and re-heal

One day you will awaken, and that old problem will have become ONLY your teacher who taught you how to raise the frequency of your reality by expanding your love to heal your fear


Are you ready to activate your Lightbody?

Your Lightbody is complete, and you have always had it. It is your Creator SELF, your fifth dimensional component of this holographic projection. When you activate your Lightbody you are actually reconnecting the projection of your light/consciousness and sound/form with your fifth dimensional counterpart that is, and has always been, the projector of your holographic adventures in this particular projection/game/reality.

Your “junk DNA” is the means by which you can log-out of the hologram and/or consciously direct and suspend it. In other words, your junk DNA can create a constant wave of energy that moves from the third dimensional projection to the fifth dimensional electrical source. Your fifth dimensional SELF for this login is your electrical source in that it is the electricity/consciousness that connects you to the magnetic field of third dimensional Earth’s holographic matrix.

When you use your thoughts to call out that you are ready to activate your Lightbody, you are extending your consciousness (your light) to expand beyond the confines of the hologram and to include the projector as well as the projection. Once your light, which is your consciousness, your spirituality and your creativity, expands to encompass your fifth dimensional projector SELF, the bandwidth of life in the third dimension is expanded to include life in the third, fourth and fifth dimension. Gradually, as your locus of control, the point of your awareness, changes from the third dimensional dramas and illusions to the fifth dimensional source of creation and projection, the illusions and dramas cease to be important.

You may become upset, as if you were watching a movie, but YOU are the director, producer, writer and actor. Hence, you have power to change that which you do not enjoy. You no longer feel trapped in a “bad movie” for you know that you can change it. With the expanded perceptions of your awakened multidimensional SELF, you can find solutions that were impossible while you were trapped in the illusions. When your locus of control, point of awareness and sense of SELF, is within your Creator SELF, you can see your reality through the perception of being the projector instead of the projection.

Take a moment to imagine that you can see your projector SELF in the fifth dimension from your consciousness that is within the reality of the third dimension. Sending your consciousness from the “projection” back to the “projector” is like looking into a mirror and seeing YOU looking back at you.

What if you looked into a mirror to brush your hair and the you in the mirror picked up the brush before you did? This vision would be an indication that not only have you surrendered your control to your SELF, but you have also expanded your consciousness to acknowledge that the YOU that you have conceived as your self has been, and is, the puppet, whereas the you that is the puppeteer is your fifth dimensional, Creator SELF.

Now project your awareness (your locus of control) into the YOU in the mirror and tell your third dimensional self to brush your hair. In other words, pick up the brush from your fifth dimensional side of the mirror of life and see your third dimensional SELF picking up the brush.

Be the Cause of your life and not the Effect. From the Projector side of the mirror, witness your physical self consciously perceiving the YOU that is the projector.

From the YOU in the fifth dimensional side of the mirror, project waves of high frequency light to the you in the third dimensional side of the mirror.

Watch as these rays of light flow into your grounded self.

See how this light activates the Lightbody within your grounded self.


See yourself as the grounded one on the third dimensional side of the mirror accepting this higher light.

See how this light fills your physical body.

Observe, as the light integrates into your form to create the inner vision of your Lightbody.


Merge the fifth dimensional YOU in the mirror with the third dimensional you looking into the mirror to see YOU inside of you!

Hold this vision of your Lightbody within your physical body.

How long can you hold this vision?

Remember to return to it if you have forgotten it!

How will you use this higher frequency light of your Lightbody to raise the resonance of your reality?

Blessings to us all in our transformation back to SELF,
Suzan Caroll





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